You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1967:

However, she believed that once the police decided to use her yellow talisman and find the person who gave it, it must have believed that the little ghost could hurt people.

Speaking of looking for a son-in-law, Zhou Ping quickly called Gu Jingyuan.

At that time, Gu Jingyuan was discussing cooperation with a large foreign group, and his mobile phone was at hand.

The phone had been muted, but when the screen was on, Gu Jingyuan saw the caller ID, which was his mother-in-law.

So Gu Jingyuan stood up without saying a word, said sorry to the other party, picked up the phone and went out.

Your mother-in-law’s phone calls should be answered as soon as possible.

It's not important for business or something.

Gu Jingyuan smiled and said, "Mom, why do you have time to call me?"

Zhou Ping said: "It must be you who has something to do, Jing Yuan, you help me check two people..."

Gu Jingyuan immediately said, "Okay, who do you want to check?"

"I don't know either... I will send you the photo back, but it may not be clear..." Zhou Ping is going to ask the director to help her get a hotel monitor to see if she can get a face of two photo.

Gu Jingyuan said: "It doesn't matter, you send it over, and I will try to find it for you."

"it is good……"

Gu Jingyuan asked: "Mom, you should pay attention to your safety outside. If you have any needs, you must remember to call me. Are you still paying with the money?"

When he opened his mouth, Gu Jingyuan was a bit like a worried old mother, worried that the child could not eat well outside and was not warmly dressed.

Zhou Ping quickly said: "Enough is enough, don't worry, not only didn't you spend money on this trip, but you also made a lot...Don't worry about it."

Gu Jingyuan frowned when he heard it: "Mom, you are going to travel. Being happy is the most important thing. As for making money, let's put it aside. Your body hasn't recovered because of what happened last time. Don't pick up your life for now... "

Zhou Ping hurriedly said: "Okay, I know, this matter will be resolved soon. By the way, I think the four people you arranged for me are pretty good."

Gu Jingyuan smiled: "That's good, you like it."

"That's all right, let's do this first, you are at work right now, I won't bother you..."

"Okay, Mom, then you come back soon."

After speaking, Zhou Ping hung up the phone, for fear that Gu Jingyuan would say more.

Putting down the phone, Zhou Ping let out a long sigh. This wonderful child was stunned to become silly...

Gu Jingyuan took the phone back to the meeting room.

At this time, he returned to the appearance of cold and alienated, with a right smile on his face, "Sorry... the family's phone call."

There were two people who came to negotiate, a man and a woman.

The man is a foreigner and a vice president of the group. He came on behalf of the group. He was very upset at Gu Jingyuan’s sudden departure from the meeting: "I don’t know, what important person is that can make President Gu leave us like this? Of major clients went out to answer this call."

Gu Jingyuan's face was indifferent: "My mother-in-law."

The woman who has never spoken has always had a decent smile on her face. She is very beautiful, very glamorous and noble. She is of Central European mixed blood. She is tall at 1.77 meters tall. She is convex and backward. She is called a devil. There is also European aristocratic blood.

The facial features are profound and the skin is fair, it can be said that they can be called "stunner".

When she heard Gu Jingyuan's words, she was shocked: "Are you... married?"

Gu Jingyuan: "Yes."


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