You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1975:

You are just coward, thinking about it..."

The hot instant noodles exuded bursts of fragrance, dispelling Xiao Liu's worries.

He smiled, "If it's okay, wouldn't it be better? I would rather hope that this is superstition. If something happens, wouldn't it be regrettable... Captain, let's take care of..."

With that, he picked up a ham sausage and threw it directly to the captain.

The captain took it over, "Hey, tonight, let's make do with one night..."

The instant noodles were ready, and the two of them licked and ate the instant noodles.

Suddenly Xiao Liu stopped, raised his head and asked, "Captain, do you...hear any sound?"

The captain turned his head and looked around, "No..."

Xiao Liu's face changed slightly: "I seem to hear..."

The captain smiled: "Don't scare yourself, it may be the sound from outside the window..."

Xiao Liu turned his head to look at the three jars on the table not far away, and put them there quietly, without any movement.

He swallowed the instant noodles in his mouth. He seemed to hear a sound just now...

The captain was still eating there, but Xiao Liu felt that he seemed to be overwhelmed.

The captain urged him: "What are you doing? Don't eat it. It will be cold for a while, but it won't taste good."

Xiao Liu nodded and pulled his mouth. He took a bite and then glanced at the three jars.

When I finished eating, I didn't see the jar move.

Xiao Liu is relieved...

After eating, throwing away the trash, the captain asked Xiao Liu: "I'm going to the bathroom, are you going?"

Xiao Liu shook his head: "I'm not going..."

The captain left by himself.

Xiao Liu took out his mobile phone, started playing games, played games for a while, and killed two enemies. He felt that his mood was finally relaxed a little.

However, the round was not over yet, Xiao Liu heard the weird sound that he heard when he was eating instant noodles.

His face gradually turned pale, then slowly raised his head.

I only saw that on the table not far away, the three jars were shaking and getting worse, as if someone was shaking the table, but no one was shaking, and there was no earthquake...

Xiao Liu’s mouth grew bigger and bigger, and the lid fell to the floor with three consecutive beeps...

Xiao Liu shivered and shouted: "Team...Team...Captain...Quick..."

But Xiao Liu didn't finish the last word "come", and he only felt cold on his face, as if his face was slammed against the ice in winter, and followed closely, as if there was a biting cold air like a worm, and suddenly drilled Into his nostrils.

He felt the heat from his body evaporate in an instant.

Then... when it was dark, he lay down on the table and passed out...

With a "click", his phone dropped to the ground, the game was still going on, the character could not be operated, and he gave the opponent a head!

The alarm clock on the wall is ticking away, the wind outside the window is blowing the branches, gently tapping the window...

The room was quiet again, as if nothing happened.

The captain squatted in the bathroom and returned with two cigarettes.

Seeing that Xiao Liu fell asleep on the table and the phone fell to the ground, it showed that he had lost this game.

The captain picked up the phone and said to himself: "This kid, at a young age, how can it be better than I can stay up late... I can fall asleep playing games..."

Putting down Xiao Liu's phone, the captain saw Xiao Liu, his face was deformed, his appearance was really funny, and he was drooling.


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