You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1978:

Then, no more...

The captain sat in the office until dawn!


It was dawn, there was no sun today, it was cloudy, it was already past 8 o'clock, and it looked like it was at 6 or 7 in the morning on weekdays.

Zhou Ping sat up holding the quilt, reached out and picked up the mobile phone on the bedside. There was no phone.

Zhou Ping remembered what happened yesterday and sighed: "Hey..."

I don't know what happened to the police station.

Zhou Ping got up to wash. Although she ran for another day yesterday, she had a full-body massage at night. She woke up this morning and did not feel any discomfort.

Moreover, I had a good rest last night, and I feel that I am in a good spirit today.

After washing, Zhou Ping opened the door and went out.

Xu Mu raised his head when he heard the door opening, and said, "Get up, come for breakfast."

Zhou Ping: "Don't you go down to eat?"

"No, I made this for you."

Zhou Ping came over and saw that a small table was already full of food...

She was a little surprised: "What...what did you do?"

"I went to the hotel manager and borrowed them to use the kitchen. You haven't eaten my breakfast for a long time."

For Xu Mu, this really shouldn't be a difficult task. His name is there. He went to the hotel to borrow the kitchen from Jingyou, but he couldn't ask for it.

This is more useful for promoting their hotels than advertisements.

But on weekdays, if you ask Xu Mu to shoot an advertisement, it is not a meal.

Zhou Ping was moved in her heart, how can she do this two hours in advance?

"Thank you, are too tired, didn't you wake up very early this morning?"

Xu Mu lowered his head and dropped a kiss on her cheek: "Cooking for someone you like, I don't feel tired at all..."

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard Qin Zheng snorting.

Xu Mu beckoned: "Son, come to have breakfast."

Qin Zheng pursed his lips and stepped over at a step that his six relatives did not recognize.

Sitting on the opposite side of Zhou Ping, he picked up the chopsticks to eat, and was slapped by Zhou Ping: "Did you forget something?"

Qin Zheng bit his lip and looked up at Xu Mu: "Thank you..."

Xu Mu smiled: "You're welcome, good son."

Qin Zheng snorted, the old man knew he was taking advantage...

After breakfast, Qin Zheng asked if he still wanted to go out. Zhou Ping shook his head: "I won't go out today. Wait for the police to come over."

Qin Zheng asked curiously: "Mom, why didn't you tell the police directly yesterday?"

Zhou Ping: "Speaking directly, they would believe it? Like you said, they would definitely think that your mother was promoting feudal superstition and that I was going to cheat money."

Most people nowadays don't believe that there are ghosts in this world. What's more, public officials, especially criminal policemen, have seen a lot of dead people, and they really encountered evil things, probably not.

If Zhou Ping ran up directly and said, the three little ghosts you took away will run out at night to **** your Yang Qi...

The police, she will definitely think that she is a lunatic...


Zhou Ping waited until the afternoon, for more than two days, when she was ready to take a nap, the doorbell rang...

Qin Zheng went to open the door: "Who?"

The people who came outside were the detective captain in plain clothes and one of his colleagues.

The captain's face was not good, and he directly took out his ID: "Xu Mu, from our city's criminal police team, live here, right?"

Qin Zheng stretched out his hand to block the door of the room and raised his chin: "What are you doing, with a black face, we have done nothing wrong."

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