You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1988:

The director said: "Lao Zhao said that people like this kind of paranoid and selfish people generally have personality disorders. They are selfish to crazy people. They will never feel that they are wrong. They are all other people. You will never repent if you die."

These are what Zhao Zhao said to the director after meeting Zhong Wenqing yesterday.

Lao Zhao's evaluation of Zhong Wenqing is extremely low, and even said that if such a person is released, she will still be unrepentant, and perhaps even worse.

Qin Zheng was on fire, and he snorted: "You are a disgusting and vicious animal inferior to a dog, there is no dead person, I yeah, if I hadn’t found my mother, Lao Cai would have died long ago, a good crew, and it’s been fixed by you, then There are many people, lethargic, and lack of yang energy. If my mother stopped him in time, you would die the next day. You are really shameless..."

Zhong Wenqing's distorted face was full of disdain for human life.

She said: "I didn't kill people personally. Whatever happened to me, do you have any evidence? Haha, even if I admit now that it was the kid killed by the kid, you ask the police, do you dare to publish it? Don't think I don't know. , The police pay attention to evidence in handling cases. Without iron-like evidence, none of you can do anything to me..."

The director pointed to her: "Okay, okay, okay, you want evidence, don’t you, don’t worry, we will give you evidence, we will not only take this case to you, but also the case of Wan Xue five years ago. Two years ago, the case of Qu Shanshan was all settled. Don’t you still want to be a star that millions of people watch? You don’t like to make headlines. This time we sent you to rule of law headlines... ..."

The director is really about to be blown up with anger, being provoked by a criminal so face-to-face, thinking that their policemen are all vegetarians.

When the police handle a case, they pay attention to the facts, and they pay attention to hard evidence...

However, in the face of such a bad case as Zhong Wenqing, she knows her murderer and cannot explain the real situation to the public. She really thinks they can't help it?

Evidence, what's wrong, evidence, that was also found out...

Zhong Wenqing is about to be blown up with anger: " policemen, it's so dark..."

Captain: "Can't compare to you, we won't kill our colleagues, we won't raise kids to harm others."

Zhou Ping took out three incense sticks and said, "Zhong Wenqing, you can have today, all of you are cocooning yourself, no wonder others, who helped you raise these three little ghosts, should have told you that everything comes at a price... you get The more you do, the greater the cost..."

Zhong Wenqing scolded: "Zhou Ping, bastard, if you hurt me like this, even if I die, I won't let you go..."

Zhou Ping laughed this time: "This is the first time I heard someone threaten me like this. That feeling is good. You are welcome to find me after you die. I specialize in hunting ghosts. Our family, the family of ghost hunters, is the law while you are alive. I can kill you once, and when you die, I... can kill you a second time, you must, remember to come to me."

Qin Zheng was excited on the side: Aow, my mother is so handsome.

Zhou Ping lit three incense sticks and prayed for three times in four directions, southeast, northwest, and then put the incense in the incense burner.

Zhou Ping: "It's started..."

Zhong Wenqing roared: "What are you going to do?"


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