You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1995:

"For a person like you, I don't expect you to be able to repent in the pain of burning your heart. This... can only be regarded as a punishment from God..."

"Punish? Why should I punish me..."

Xu Mu was annoyed to death, and said angrily: "With those who have been killed by you, you are really stubborn...With today's end, it's all your own self-inflicted... deserve it."

Xu Mu hugged Zhou Ping's shoulders: "Go, don't go with this kind of person, it's wasting time."

Zhou Ping nodded and ignored how the people behind screamed and cursed.

The door of the interrogation room was closed, and the ears finally became quiet.

But Zhou Ping didn't feel much lighthearted. When these three contracts were broken all at once, the master behind it would definitely not know...

Zhou Ping knew that she had injured him indirectly, and he must have been looking for it.

Zhou Ping sighed with emotion, in the days to come, I am afraid it will not be too peaceful.


Qin Zheng and the people from the police station found a big schoolbag, stuffed all the three jars into the schoolbag, and carried it on his back.

Qin Zheng said, "Mom, let's go."

Next, they still have a lot to be busy with, they have to buy food for them, go to the amusement park... and, finally, send them away.

Zhou Ping nodded, and she raised her hand to pat Qin Zheng's schoolbag on the back: "Go, take you out to see the outside world."

The jar in the bag is arched, expressing happiness...

The chief took the captain and personally sent them outside the gate.

Zhou Ping said: "We'll take these three jars away first, and when we send them away at night, we will send the jars to you again."

This can be regarded as the physical evidence for the police to handle the case. Under normal circumstances, where can it be taken out casually.

The director nodded: "Okay, problem, when you are done, give us a call, we can get it by ourselves, don't bother you to send it."

Xu Mu didn't refuse, and said, "It's okay, then we will leave first, and the director will stay and don't send it away."

"Goodbye madam, goodbye Mr. Xu..."

Zhou Ping didn't move, she was hesitating about one thing, not knowing whether to say it or not.

Qin Zheng urged: "Mom, let's go, are you still okay?"

Zhou Ping sighed, forget it, forget it, it's all here, and it's a bit fate with him, let's tell him...

The director said: "Madam, if you have anything, just say it."

Zhou Ping said: "I didn't want to be nosy, but you are also a rare good person with integrity, so... after I considered it, I decided to tell you..."

The captain hurriedly said: "Please tell me, I will listen with great respect."

At this moment, what else the captain has, dare not to believe it, Zhou Ping told him that you will die in the next second, and he is convinced.

Zhou Ping said: "I don't want to spy on your privacy, just because of a person's professional habits, I subconsciously test it. I can't stop myself. Of course, I don't know if I'm allowed or not. Just listen. Listen, if... you have plans to go to the South recently, cancel it."

The chief and the detective captain were shocked and looked at Zhou Ping in disbelief, with their mouths open, completely unsure of what to say.

The captain does have plans to go to the South in the near future. They tracked down a gang that crossed drug smuggling and selling guns and ammunition in many countries. Recently, there was a transaction somewhere in the South. He wanted to take people to the South and cooperate with the local police to arrest... …


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