You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2002:

They ate what they wanted to eat, played what they wanted to play, and even played football with other children... and the children helped them celebrate their birthdays. This is something I have never dared to think about.

Even if these costs are that they will never have tomorrow, but, very happy...

Zhou Ping’s eyes suddenly sore, and the sadness came up like a tide, making her eyes red, but she couldn’t say anything...

Even if they met earlier, she... couldn't help it.

Qin Zheng whispered, "Mom, is there any way..."

Zhou Ping shook her head, there is no way, there is no way...

They are resentful infants, they are not even souls, they are contaminated with murder, and they have broken the contract with Zhong Wenqing, they have lost everything that can maintain their existence.

Even if Zhou Ping does not take action to destroy them, they will disappear when the sun comes out...

Zhou Ping had never been so sad before. She had seen many ghosts die before, but for the first time, she wanted to do something, but she was helpless.

These children, if they were born and grown up normally, they would be very good children! Er Bao tilted his head and looked at Zhou Ping: "Auntie, don't be sad, we are very happy."

Zhou Ping took a deep breath and smiled: "I'm not sad, come on, tell me, what are your last wishes..."

It's already past early morning, and it's not long before dawn...

Xiao Bao licked the cream on his finger: "Auntie...may I go and see my mother? Mother..." Among the three, only Xiao Bao's mother didn't want it, and only Xiao Bao's mother It was an accidental abortion by Zhong Wenqing.

When Xiaobao made this request, Zhou Ping naturally wanted to help her fulfill it, but... she didn't quite know who Xiaobao's mother was and where she lived.

Zhou Ping asked him: "But I don't know who she is, and I don't know...where does she live, do you know where she is?" Xiaobao shrugged his head, bowed his head and said dejectedly: "I don't know either. ..."

Zhou Ping said: "Then I will figure out a solution."

She called the detective captain, they were investigating Zhong Wenqing, they should have checked her social relations...

After Zhou Ping said her request, the team leader quickly responded. Although it was at this point,... it's rare for the master to ask them for help. This must be helped.

So the captain hurriedly called and asked his subordinates to work overtime to help find someone. It was much easier for the police to find someone than them.

Moreover, they are indeed worse than Zhong Wenqing's social relationship. Her girlfriends are not many. After becoming famous, there are fewer and fewer contacts. If pregnancy and miscarriage make it difficult for the body to conceive, it is easier to find.

At around 2 in the morning, the captain sent Zhou Ping the address information of Xiaobao's mother.

Zhou Ping said to Xu Mu Qin Zheng: "Let's go... run again."

"it is good."

None of them planned to sleep this night.

Originally, Zhou Ping thought that after fulfilling the wishes of the three little ghosts, she personally killed them.

But... more and more reluctant.

After driving for more than half an hour, I finally found the neighborhood on the address.

But because they are not the owners of the community, cars and people cannot enter, especially in the middle of the night.

Back in desperation, Xu Mu and Qin Zheng showed their faces, and brushed their faces with the security guard...

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