You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2005:

He saw Little Treasure hiding behind Qin Zheng...In an instant, he felt that it was... Damn it...

Xu Mu said: " are really not a young man, you are a minor..."

Zhou Ping hurriedly said: "Okay, let's get into a fight with a small matter. If you two do this again, I will leave after I resolve the matter. I don't care what you two like to tear into, and what you tear into. Drama, don't go home..."

One sentence succeeded in making the two ceasefire, and neither of them said anything else, and proceeded honestly.

After a while, Xu Mu whispered to Zhou Ping's ear and quickly said: "I didn't lie to you, my waist is really good, I think it is no problem to give Qin Zheng a younger brother and sister."

Zhou Ping really couldn't bear it next time. She raised her foot and stepped on the back of Xu Mu's instep, and ran it hard...

Xu Mu's painful face is about to deform...


At 6 o'clock, the three panting people finally came to the top of the mountain.

The wind on the top of the mountain was very cold, but after climbing the mountain for more than an hour, all three of them were hot and sweaty. At this time, the cold wind blew, and they felt a lot cooler.

The three little ghosts were blown by the mountain breeze, and their figures were a little loose...

At this time, the horizon was white and the sun was about to rise. Their figures were more transparent than they looked at night.

Their existence is already a countdown.

Zhou Ping glanced at the three little ghosts, "Look, this is the scenery on the top of the mountain, isn't it beautiful..."

The three little ghosts did not pay attention to the changes in their bodies at all. They looked at the beautiful scenery in front of them, opened their mouths in surprise, and made a surprised voice: "Wow..."

Zhou Ping raised her hand and passed through their bodies...

She felt sad again.

Zhou Ping said, "The sun will rise soon."

The three little ghosts nodded, "Hmm..."

They knew that they were going to disappear soon, but they didn’t feel any sadness. They had no regrets. All their wishes were fulfilled and they got more than they had in the past years. They felt it for the first time. ,Satisfy……

The three of them sat side by side on the big rock on the top of the mountain, Qin Zheng and Xu Mu took off the talisman, and the three little ghosts sat on their heads.

The clouds on the horizon already had a golden-red edge, and the sun was about to rise.

Qin Zheng suddenly said: "Let's take a picture..."

The three little ghosts clapped their hands and agreed: "Okay, okay..."

Zhou Ping was in the middle, Qin Zheng and Xu Mu sat on either side of her.

Qin Zheng picked up the phone, raised his long arms, "Get ready, one two three, eggplant..."

With a click, the photo of them and the three little ghosts froze in the frame.

Behind him, the sun rose, and the first ray of sunlight passed through the clouds, dispelling the shadows on the earth...

Dabao exclaimed: "Wow... the sun is out..."

Zhou Ping raised her head and looked at the floating big treasure. It seemed, urgently, to get close to the sun...

Her eyes felt a little fuzzy, and she raised her hand and rubbed it.

As the sun rose, golden light fell on them, and their tiny figures became more and more transparent.

Zhou Ping heard Erbao said, "It turns out that this is the feeling of sunlight falling on her body, it's really warm."

The three little ghosts held hands, turned their heads and said to Zhou Ping: "Auntie, we are leaving...Thank you..."

All our blessings are dedicated to you. May you have peace and joy in this life.


Chapter 50, I finished it in one breath. When I wrote this, I was a little sad...

You can watch it slowly today, or stay up late to finish it, hahaha...I’m so sorry, I’ll get the monthly pass, usually I don’t make changes, and I don’t ask for a ticket. I can’t today. You must give a monthly pass today before letting you go. .

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