You Are My Gravity

Chapter 208: Broken leg

Gu Jingyuan's words made the noses of old lady Gu and Gu Meiyun almost crooked.

The old lady Gu angrily wanted to vomit blood: "Presumptuous, you don't want to think about whose grandson you are."

Gu Jingyuan nodded: "I am your grandson, but..."

He sneered: "Did you support me?"

It is said that marrying a wife requires marrying a virtuous person, marrying the wrong one will ruin three generations!

This is the case in the Gu family. Mrs. Gu's personal abilities are indeed strong, but because she is too strong, the mother is strong and the son is weak, and the desire to control is too strong. Her sons and daughters are all raised and abandoned by her, and her grandchildren are also helpless by her.

Gu Jingyuan was thankful that he hadn't followed Mrs. Gu since he was a child, otherwise, the ghost knew what virtue it would be now.

A word blocked the old lady Gu dumb.

Yes, she was the one who sent this grandson out at the beginning, and for many years, she has indeed ignored him.

However, Mrs. Gu didn't think she was wrong!

As the elders, even if they do something wrong with the younger ones, the younger ones shouldn’t hold grudges.

Gu Meiyun held down the old lady who was about to get angry, and said: "Look at what you said, this is your grandmother. At the was also for your good. You are from the Gu family. Look, after you come back, the Gu family Don’t leave everything to you, Jingyuan, don’t be fooled by others. Only our own people are really good to you. The girls outside who love vanity and cling to the powerful really can’t take it. , You have to see clearly..."

Gu Jingyuan nodded earnestly: "My aunt is right... So, if the person who doesn't have the last name Gu offends me, I'll just do whatever I want to clean up..."

"This... naturally..." Gu Meiyun felt bad.

I always feel that what Gu Jingyuan said is very wrong.

In the next second, Gu Jingyuan took out his cell phone, dialed a number, and said, "Zhixin, go... and cut Ji Chenxuan's leg..."

The old lady Gu and Gu Meiyun were dumbfounded when they heard this.

Gu Meiyun stood up abruptly and yelled, "You are crazy, that's your cousin..."

Gu Jingyuan put down his phone and sneered, "But he doesn't have a surname Gu, thank you aunt for reminding me, I have endured him for so long, your words, let me finally make up my mind."

Old lady Gu was angrily: "Gu Jingyuan, you dare to move Chenxuan to try."

Gu Jingyuan smiled, with a good temper.

"Auntie Grandma, you all heard it. I have already told Zhixin to do it. The kid, what you understand, started more ruthlessly. The things I explained have always been doubled. Now, I have gone. If you two want me to stop him, you have to show some sincerity to change, right?"

Gu Jingyuan's words frightened Gu Meiyun's heart and soul. Gu Zhixin naturally knew it, and she hated him so much that she wanted to take him off.

But, that kid is really more than a ruthless...

Gu Jingyuan asked him to break one of his son's legs. He estimated that he would have a double share.

Old Mrs. Gu's angry face turned green: "Something frantic, do you really treat me as old and useless?"

Gu Jingyuan said indifferently: "Grandma, you should be the old lady of the Gu family, take care of your life, worry less, and live longer. I love my wife and will not let her enter the door and face her all day long. Demon man!"

Gu Meiyun gritted her teeth and said, "Who are you talking about?"

A cold light flashed in Gu Jingyuan's eyes: "If I want to marry her, I will definitely clean up the Gu family first. Today, let's start with Ji Chenxuan."

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