You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2119:

Zhou Ping just ate a bunch of grilled shiitake mushrooms, and didn't do it again.

Xu Mu was peeling the crayfish with gloves. After peeling, he sent the shrimp to Zhou Ping's mouth.

Both of them seem to have no desire for the big table in front of them...

The big ghost originally thought it was delicious, but suddenly felt that it wasn't that delicious anymore, and it itched in his heart.

Zhou Ping ate two crayfish and couldn't eat anymore. She shook her head.

She looked at the big brother Gui gulping gluttonously.

In fact, the character of Big Brother Ghost is somewhat similar to Qin Zheng, and they are both...secondary!

The way he eats is also a bit like Qin Zheng.

Looking at it, Zhou Ping was in a daze and forgot that this is the big brother ghost, not her son.

She saw the red oil in Qin Zheng’s mouth, almost instinctively, she took out a tissue and stretched out her hand to wipe it on him: "Don’t eat too much. These are all yours. Eat slowly. You can eat. Everyone’s mouths are, drink milk tea, these are too spicy..."

The eldest brother ghost was stunned almost instantly, for a long time he wouldn't move.

He blinked his eyelids and suddenly felt that all these things were all wrong.

He threw the half-eaten lamb skewers on the table, looked up at Zhou Ping, his eyes were a little cold: "I am not your don't need to be so good to me."

Zhou Ping smiled, "Oh..."

Then the movement of his hand did not stop, and he wiped all the corners of his mouth clean.

She said: "Okay... Keep eating, what else do you want to eat?"

The eldest brother was angry: "Hey, did you not hear what I said?"

Zhou Ping nodded: "I heard it, I heard it, no need to be so loud, your temper is my son, or how about you being my son too?"

The eldest brother ghost froze again, and after a while, he turned his head proudly, "Don't think about it, I'm as old as your grandfather, you still want to be my mother, go dream."

Qin Zheng's soul roared in his body: I ​​don't want, I don't want... Mom, I don't want him to be my brother...

Brother: "Shut up, brat, who the **** wants to be your younger brother, look at your little chicken, weak and vulnerable, and want to be the eldest brother, why do you think so beautiful."

Zhou Ping pushed the crayfish in front of him: "Quickly eat, these will be very difficult to eat when they are cold."


Big Brother Ghost Tsundere's head curled!


I slept too late last night and Zhou Ping only woke up at 9 am.

At this time, Xu Mu's noodles made by borrowing from the hotel kitchen were fine.

Xu Mu: "Just right, come and eat something."

Zhou Ping smiled: "Okay..."

A bowl of noodles is covered with a golden poached egg and a few slices of beef. It smells very fragrant.

The eldest brother took the chopsticks with a disgusting expression. After taking a bite, he paused. The speed was significantly increased behind him, and he poured a large bowl of noodles into his mouth. After eating, he took a look at Zhou Ping's noodles. .

Zhou Ping smiled and pushed the noodles to him: "Eat, I can't eat it..."

"Huh... I don't want to eat, I don't want to waste food."

"Well, yes, that's it, hurry up and eat..."

After eating most of Zhou Ping's remaining bowl of noodles, the eldest brother leaned back comfortably, and touched a handful of them comfortably on his stomach.

Qin Zheng's soul said: How, I didn't lie, is Lao Xu's noodles delicious?

Brother Gui ignored him, raised his eyelids and glanced at Zhou Ping: "Hey..."

"I can help you find out who harmed your son..."

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