You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2133:

The Xu family’s parents exclaimed: "What, have you been harmed by others?"

Xu Mu nodded: "Yes, I have been murdered before. Fortunately, I met Zhou Ping at that time. Otherwise, I am probably a corpse now, but I will tell you about my affairs later. Now I want to say that Wen Xiaoyun did it. thing."

Xu Mu told them in detail that Qin Zheng's body suddenly became ill two days ago.

Both of them felt incredible: "This...this..."

Zhou Ping said, "Your second elder probably thinks that even if Qin Zheng's body changes, there is no way to prove that there is a direct relationship with Wen Xiaoyun, right?"

Father Xu said: "Xiao Zhou, we don't doubt you, we just think..."

Zhou Ping nodded: "I understand, I can understand you, but... I haven't told you yet, my family, from the ancestors, has been in this business for all generations, our family is a member of the profound sect, and of course you can also simply Understood as-the **** stick."

"Therefore, Qin Zheng's body has undergone changes. I know very well whether he has a physical problem or is... he was harmed by others..."

Zhou Ping's words left the Xu family's second elder in surprise with his mouth open and speechless.


God stick?

This is...specially...ghost hunter?

The two looked at each other. They used to think that there should be very few people of this kind in this era, and they are far away from them. They didn't expect them to see real people.

Zhou Ping continued: "Although Wen Xiaoyun's use is not those harmful methods that are classified as prohibited techniques, but they are more insidious than that. She secretly took Qin Zheng's hair and blood samples, and cast the spell behind her back. Qin Zheng injected a steady stream of Yang Qi into his body..."

Brother Gui was a little impatient when he heard it, and interrupted Zhou Ping: "Oh, you guys are too much nonsense... Isn't it just to make them believe, what did this woman do? How simple..."

Brother Ghost, walked to the grass man tied with hemp rope and pulled the red thread off his chest...

It originally looked like a red woolen thread, but after this pull, the grass man's chest was slowly dyed red, as if blood was flowing out of the grass man.

Immediately following Brother Ghost, he covered Qin Zheng's chest and frowned...

And Qin Zheng, who was hiding in his body, screamed in pain: "I wiped, I wiped... the old thing, what have you done, I'm going to die of pain, rely on... it hurts..."

Brother Ghost roared: "You shut up... I took care of you. How much did you endure most of the pain? Are you embarrassed to yell?"

Xu Mu's parents opened their eyes and looked at Brother Gui: " do you talk to again?"

Brother Gui replied: "I'm talking to that little boy Qin Zheng..."

Zhou Ping picked up the grass man, gritted his teeth, and removed the needle sticking to the grass man's head.

This needle pierced Qin Zheng's head, causing him to reverse his qi and blood and unable to control himself.

Had it not been for her to find Brother Ghost in time, Qin Zheng would have died early now...

Zhou Ping turned to look at Wen Xiaoyun, who was struggling to climb up to Xu's father and Xu's mother, "You really deserve to die."

Wen Xiaoyun shook her head: "I didn', I admit...I really like Brother Xu Mu, I am jealous of her, and I used this method for a while... But this is useless, she is talking nonsense..."

Brother Ghost: "Bah, it's **** quibbling... you wait for Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu won't make you comfortable..."

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