You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2156:

Zhou Ping discovered that these two boxes of luncheon meat were actually the kind commonly found in supermarkets, and there was no trace of modification.

It is really not easy to achieve this.

This thing is placed under the eyelids, even if you see it, it is estimated that when it is not opened, no one will think that someone will specially modify a box of cans.

This method is indeed very good.


Zhou Ping asked, "Did you... know in advance that something will happen to you, so you hide the evidence first."

Uncle Ghost said: "Every day in our profession is actually the last day. It is possible to die at any time. Tomorrow is the most remote for us. Therefore, I have always been prepared to die at any time... "

"I won't open it. I will let the Secretary open this evidence. I will go to him at dawn."

Uncle Ghost said: "Ok...thank you."

Zhou Ping shook her head: "No, it's us, we should all thank you..."

Those who are protected by him all owe him a thank you.


They took the things and left here quickly. When they left, Zhou Ping found that there seemed to be a cat's bone in a corner of the house. After a long time, only a skeleton was left.

That should be the cat that Uncle Ghost raised back then. He died, and it died too...

Zhou Ping stopped and asked, "That's your cat, do you need us to help you gather its bones and find a place to bury it?"

Uncle Ghost was stunned for a moment, probably unexpectedly that Zhou Ping would say this.

He looked up at the skeleton of the cat, the cat that had been with him during his undercover career.

After he was killed, the cat was also killed.

"If you can, then... trouble you guys..."

Zhou Ping shook her head: "No trouble."

She found a cardboard box, gathered the cat's skeleton, and took it away.


After returning home, Zhou Ping and the others slept for two hours before dawn.

Before leaving for the police station, Zhou Ping asked Uncle Ghost if he wanted to go with him. Although these little ghosts can't be outdoors during the day, she has a way.

However, Uncle Ghost shook his head: "I'm not going anymore. You can bring me a sentence to the director. Zhao Zhen has completed the task assigned back then...I can't do it later, I hope they can finish it."

Zhou Ping didn't ask much, she nodded, "Okay, I see, then you wait for my news here."

Uncle Ghost nodded: "Thank you."

On the way to the police station, Qin Zheng asked curiously: "Why didn't he go? He worked so hard, and finally he was able to collect evidence and send it to the chief of his life. This is what he has always insisted on. ...Why don't you go and see it with your own eyes?"

Xu Mu said: "Perhaps because that is his most passionate profession, the most reluctant part of his heart, he is afraid to go, reluctant to leave."

Everyone has something they can't let go of.

No one spoke in the carriage for a while, and it was very quiet.

They arrived at the police station just in time for work.

However, the Interpol team often works overtime, regardless of what commute.

When Zhou Ping arrived at the police station, she happened to ran into a policeman from the Interpol who had met Zhou Ping. Zhou Ping asked him, "Is the chief here?"

He said: "The director seems to have just arrived... Are you looking for the director?"

Zhou Ping: "Well, something..."

"However, we will have a meeting soon..."

Zhou Ping said: "Then I will go find him..."


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