You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2167:

The editor-in-chief of that fashion magazine hurried forward and handed Zhou Ping a business card with both hands. "Madam, this is my business card. If I have the opportunity, when you are free, I hope I can ask you to take a photo of the cover of the magazine... "

Zhou Ping really did not expect that someone would ask her to shoot fashion magazines.

She took the business card and said sorry: "Thank you, but, I...I guess it won't work, I can't do this."

However, she thought of Qin Zheng and Xu Mu, maybe they could.

She just glanced at the business card and the name of the magazine. She had heard it, and it seemed to be quite famous.

"It's okay, it doesn't matter, in the future, if you want to shoot, you can come to me."

Everyone said that, Zhou Ping naturally could only nod her head: "Then...Okay, I will put it away first."

The editor of the magazine said goodbye to Zhou Ping politely, and then left.

Zhou Ping stuffed her business card into her bag, ready to return to Qin Zheng and the others.

She saw the young man who had just held her and smiled, "Young man, thank you just now."

"You are too polite, mainly because... that one did it too much. You see, many people just couldn't see it."

Zhou Ping smiled: "In this world, everyone really has..."

"That's right."

The two said this, went outside, took their luggage and separated.

Zhou Ping got the two suitcases and pushed the luggage out.

Sure enough, as soon as he went out, he saw Gu Jingyuan and the others.

Gu Jingyuan stretched his arms around Qin Se to prevent her from being squeezed, and there were Gu Zhixin and Zhen Baoer beside them.

The four of them went to the station, it was too dazzling, and the people around looked over.

Some people are in hand. Are you filming TV at the airport today? Those two young lovers are too seductive and beautiful.

Qin Se kept staring at the exit, but everyone came out one by one, Zhou Ping hadn't appeared yet.

She was so anxious that she finally saw Zhou Ping.

Qin Se waved his hand excitedly: "Mom, here and here..."

Gu Jingyuan hurriedly supported her and told her not to move.

"Don't get excited, mom won't come out anymore."

Zhen Baoer also shouted excitedly from the side: "Aunt Ping Ping..."

They felt that Zhou Ping had been away for a long time without an adult at home, and they seemed to be like left-behind children.

Zhou Ping didn't want to talk to them a little bit. I didn't see it, everyone had seen it.

Gu Zhixin rushed over and picked up Zhou Ping's box.

"Aunt Ping, you are back."

"Isn't it good if I'm not at home?"

Qin Se came over and hugged Zhou Ping: "Of course it's not good. You're not at home. We think, like the left-behind children, I am about to autistic!"

Zhou Ping nodded Qin Se's forehead: "Autistic, how old are you, you still have one in your stomach, can you grow a little bit?"

Qin Se: "Um...I can...I work hard."

Gu Jingyuan carefully took care of Qin Se on the sidelines and asked her to avoid bumping: "Mom, it's been a lot of hard work all the way, I think others will come out soon, why are you so long?"

"Something happened, it was delayed, let's go, go back quickly, it seems to be quite cold today, why are you all here."

Zhou Ping did not intend to talk about what happened just now.

Qin Se said: "This is not the empress dowager's Luan driving back, why should we come to welcome her, so that we can be worthy of the honorable status of the empress."

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