You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2173:

Zhou Ping and they looked at each other, almost? That is to say... Still not done?

Gu Zhige continued: "At first, I had a little bit of goodwill, only a little bit, but then I soon discovered that I and her had a disagreement with her. There was probably no way to live together and live together. The way is to build my ideal family, so before this relationship has started, I cut it off..."

A few days ago, Gu Zhige treated a female patient. She was a female executive of a foreign company who had returned from abroad. She was very powerful and beautiful.

He is tall, looks good, and has a better temperament than looks.

Her appearance is more in line with Gu Zhige's aesthetic.

The opponent has the courage and ability of a standard strong female person, independent and independent, and at the same time, there is also the charmingness that a small woman should have.

She fell in love with Gu Zhige at first sight, and soon launched a fierce pursuit!

Breakfast in the morning, lunch at noon, and red roses in the evening, a bouquet every day, never absent.

And the meals she sent were all very delicate, with strict nutrition ratio and good taste.

He also runs over every day, quietly waiting for Gu Zhige to get off work, to watch a movie with him, and have a candlelight dinner together.

I didn't care about the opinions of other people in the hospital at all, and pursued Gu Zhige vigorously without affecting the normal order of the hospital.

Probably because of long-term education abroad, his style is somewhat open, passionate and unrestrained, like a gorgeous rose, all the beauty and all the passionate feelings are all at once presented to Gu Zhige.

At first Gu Zhige really didn't feel much, but after being pursued so fiercely by the other for a few days, he felt that it seemed that it was not impossible to have such a girlfriend.

After all, he hasn't been pursued so passionately. For the first time, Gu Zhige's mood is inevitably different.

Mainly, he was stimulated by Gu Zhixin and Zhen Bao'er, Qin Se and Gu Jingyuan all day, and changed his affection in front of him every day, and abused his single dog, giving him a desire to get away from the single dog.

At this time, this woman whose appearance was still in line with Gu Zhige's aesthetics appeared, and the pursuit was so intense that he would inevitably not be a little moved.

Just when Gu Zhige hesitated whether or not to accept it, he quickly discovered that he and the other party's Three Views probably couldn't get together.

The reason is that Gu Zhige got up late in the morning and hurriedly prepared to go to work.

Bai Lu was worried that he did not eat breakfast, and asked him to take two steamed buns.

Bailu made the buns by herself.

When Gu Zhige drove on the road, he naturally couldn't eat. He took it to the hospital and prepared to eat when he was free.

However, when I got a little busy at the hospital, I forgot to eat the buns.

When I remembered, the buns were already cold.

However, Gu Zhige didn't care whether the buns were cold or not.

He felt it was okay if he was cold, and was about to eat when the senior woman came.

He grabbed the steamed bun and said, "It's cold. Don't eat this kind of garbage."

Gu Zhige frowned at the time: "This is packaged by my family, not rubbish, you return it to me."

However, the other party actually said: "What happened to the family's bag, but it has already cooled down, and I don't believe that if your family's bag of steamed buns, will there be food cooked by the five-star chef I sent you? Eat, come, eat the food I brought..."


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