You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2194:

Zhen Baoer smiled at Gu Zhixin: "This is my problem, I didn't remind Aunt Ping..."

Gu Zhixin glared at her: "It's already so late, don't watch it, go back and rest quickly."

Zhou Ping nodded: "Ah, yes, it's late, go back and rest."

In fact, she really wants to say, how about... after watching this episode, go back to the room?

Zhou Ping said that she went back to rest, but did not move, she glanced at Zhen Baoer.

Zhen Baoer doesn't want to take a break either. After all, the TV show is at its climax, and the heroine is about to kill the girl who has been disgusting for a long time.

Zhen Baoer leaned in front of Gu Zhixin and said to please: "You watch this episode, there are only ten minutes left, or else... go back to sleep after watching it?"

Gu Zhixin: "..."

He was expressionless and asked, "What do you want to do, Zhen Baoer?"

Zhen Baoer chuckled: "Just... just feel that it's not too sleepy now anyway, so... I've finished watching this episode, so I don't have to watch the next time, and I need to pull the progress bar to the middle... right?"

After speaking, she also glanced at Zhou Ping, hoping she could save herself.

Zhou Ping picked up the water on the table and took a sip: "Well, I think what Bo'er said... is right, anyway, it's already so late, then... it should be fine if it is ten minutes late, right? ?"

Zhen Baoer hurriedly nodded: "Yes, yeah, in fact, it's after 12 o'clock, and it's not too late. When I did live broadcasts before, it started in the early morning and went to bed at three or four o'clock..."

Speaking of live broadcast, Zhen Baoer hasn't started broadcasting for a long time.

She especially wanted to start broadcasting in her heart. After all, it was her "job", and this job once supported her.

But Gu Zhixin refused to let Zhen Baoer bo, because he knew very well that most of the people who watched Zhen Baoer's live broadcast were men, and there were some unruly plots.

For this matter, Zhen Baoer and Gu Zhixin have had a quarrel twice.

Zhen Baoer still hopes that she can slowly return to normal and live broadcast regularly, although Gu Zhixin is rich, and Gu family is also rich.

However, a woman still has to have a job of her own.

Otherwise, if you don't do anything, you will always feel something is missing.

Gu Zhixin said: "It used to be before, now is now, it's different."

After finishing speaking, Gu Zhixin couldn't help saying: "Aunt Ping, you are not too young anymore and can't stay up late, why are you so disobedient like a child..."

"I..." Zhou Ping twitched her mouth, and she was embarrassed and embarrassed by Gu Zhixin's lesson like this.

Zhou Ping snorted, "What's wrong with my age? How old am I, not too old, OK?"

Zhen Baoer immediately helped her: "That's right, how can I say it, my Aunt Ping, what's wrong with my age, and not too old? You are a straight man who can't speak, so just don't speak."

Gu Zhixin: "I..."

Suddenly, Zhen Baoer screamed: "Oh, he's dead, this **** is finally **** to death, my God, after watching dozens of episodes, I'm just waiting for this woman to die."

Zhou Ping's sight was also placed on the TV again.

On the big screen, the heroine is standing there, and the corpse of the heroine is lying on the ground. The picture is not too bad.

Zhou Ping gritted her teeth and said: "This woman is too cheap to die..."

Zhen Baoer nodded: "That is, she should be asked to sing all the things she used to do to others... It would be too cheap for him to die like this."


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