You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2211:

Just as she was talking, Zhen Baoer picked up the chopped ribs and poured them into the basin for washing.

However, as soon as the ribs were poured out, Zhen Baoer suddenly felt uncomfortable when she smelled the meaty smell, and her stomach rolled over.

Zhen Baoer immediately turned her head away, covered her nose, and retched twice.

Tian Jinzhi was stunned while holding a handful of green vegetables. After a few seconds, she immediately dropped the green vegetables and walked over, and asked in a low voice, "Boer, do you have one?"

Zhen Baoer's face was a bit awkward: "I... I don't know..."

Tian Jinzhi asked: "Are you in a bad spirit, a little lethargy, and poor appetite recently?"

Zhen Bao'er nodded...

Tian Jinzhi asked again: "Did you tell Xiao Gu then?"

Zhen Baoer shook his head: "Not yet, I thought about telling him after I'm sure."

Tian Jinzhi said: "I think you will have it in all likelihood, so let's tell him first. If so, quickly get the certificate and get the marriage. He...will he be responsible?"

Zhen Baoer hurriedly said: "Of course, he will be responsible for whether he has this child... I am, just want to wait..."

Tian Jinzhi was a little anxious: "Don't wait, have you bought test paper for testing?"

Zhen Baoer shook her head: "Not yet...I think it should not be detected yet. The days are still short."

"Then... go to the hospital, go to the hospital for an examination!"

Zhen Baoer smiled and said: "Mom, don't worry... wait a few more days."

"Can I not worry about such a big thing?"

"Don't worry, Zhixin especially wants a child. If he has one, he will be very happy. I just... don't want to make him happy if he is not pregnant."

Tian Jinzhi sighed: "You..."

She hurried Zhen Baoer out: "Okay, don't work in the kitchen, you go out and rest."

"But, how do you do so much by yourself, let me help you."

"I'm fine, I can come here go out quickly, don't be tired."

Zhen Baoer said, "Then I will take these dishes out and let Gu Zhixin pick them."

"Okay, let him do it, you go out and play."


For dinner, Zhen Bao'er's appetite improved a little, and she ate a little more. Gu Zhixin was so happy that she almost didn't cry.

After dinner, Zhen Baoer remembered what she had bought for Tian Jinzhi and Zhen Jinbao.

When shopping, she bought a pair of basketball shoes for Zhen Jinbao and a coat for Tian Jinzhi.

Tian Jinzhi tried it on and smiled with joy, saying that Zhen Baoer was spending money indiscriminately, but there were many wrinkles on his face.

After the two left, Tian Jinzhi touched his clothes, his eyes a little red.


Back at home, while Zhen Baoer went upstairs to take a bath, Gu Zhixin hurried to Zhou Ping.

"Aunt Ping, Bo'er has been in a bad condition recently. She is sluggish, her complexion is not good, her appetite is not good, and she has something to hide from me. I asked her but she didn't tell me. You turn around to help me ask, she What's the matter?"

Zhou Ping actually found that Bo'er was in a bad state recently, "Boer...have you taken her to the hospital for an examination?"

Gu Zhixin shook his head: "Not yet, she refuses to go."

Zhou Ping thought for a while and said, "If you feel sick, you should go to the hospital for a check."

"Then look... She has nothing to do with disaster recently, right?"

"Oh, that's not true. Good luck, fortune, and health are normal."


Tonight, I will finish writing all four of them...╮(╯▽╰)╭

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