You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2224:

People who ask for life from them like this, no one will leave their backs to others, they have no one to believe.

Especially the killer in the same organization, this is more terrifying than showing his back to the enemy.

The enemy may not have the ability to hit with a single blow, but the killers in the same organization certainly have this ability.

In the past, when Gu Zhige was still Xiang Qiuchi, he never left his back to anyone.

But now, he is not Xiang Qiuchi, he is Gu Zhige.

Moreover, he didn't believe that Chong Jiu's swaggering to find the door would be so easy to get rid of him in the car.

He felt that there must be other things when Chongjiu found him.

Gu Zhige said lightly: "Because I am Gu Zhige."

The expression on Chongjiu's face stiffened for an instant, then faded a little bit.

He understood this sentence.

Because he is Gu Zhige, he is an ordinary person, a respected doctor, and he has no special status.

Others are in the sun, he doesn't need to hide, he doesn't need to hide, there is no shameful things.

So... he is not afraid!

This made Chongjiu sound very unhappy, very unhappy!

He finally changed his positive and positive image when he was in the hospital. The slightly raised corners of his lips and cold eyes revealed a terrible murderous aura.

"Brother Qiuchi, I really like my current status when I picked it up."

Gu Zhige returned his words, "Naturally I like it, because I can be a righteous person!"

In the past, when he was working as Xiang Qiuchi, Gu Zhige now thinks about it and feels that he was a shadow at that time.

No, at that time, he should be a lonely wild ghost.

Now, finally reborn and reborn as a real person.

Being a ghost is naturally inferior to being a human being.

What a good life!

Chongjiu sneered.


People like them, once stepped into the darkness, have countless lives on their hands, countless people who want their lives, even if they really want to wash their hands in a golden basin, it is not something you can wash clean if you want.

Be incognito and stay in the store for a lifetime.

The day he was found was the time of death.

If you can't get to the shore, you can only walk one way to the black.

They simply cannot help themselves.

Chongjiu sarcastically said: "That's really a pity, Brother Qiuchi, it should have been clear, right? I am..."

Gu Zhige interrupted Chongjiu's words: "Wait, I remember, I didn't go home for dinner today and forgot to call home."

Chong Jiu Yi was stunned: "Home?"

The word is familiar, but it's unfamiliar.

For people like them, who can have anything to do with this word?

Now, Gu Zhige not only has a new identity, not only has a good life, but even has a family.

See Chongjiu, Gu Zhige took out his cell phone, and while driving, he dialed a number.

Gu Zhige put the phone aside and turned on the handsfree.

Beeps, rang a few times, and the phone went through.


"Aunt Bai, it's me."

Gu Zhige was calling the landline at home, and Bai Lu was the one who answered the call.

Bai Lu asked: "Zhi Ge, it's time to get off work, why do you call this time?"

Gu Zhige replied: "Oh, I met a former acquaintance today, and he was eating out with him, so I won't go home to eat. You don't have to wait for me."

When Bai Lu on the phone heard this, her face changed...


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