You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2230:

Chongjiu clenched his fists: "I don't want to find a girlfriend."

What are you kidding about, looking for a girlfriend?

Chongjiu has never thought about love for children, he has never considered looking for a girlfriend at all, let alone staying in the future, or something!

He felt that in his entire life, he had been alone.

Who knows when he will die.

He knew very well that as a killer, only one would end up, and he would definitely be killed.

When he was young, he was capable and agile, and if he tried to survive, he would kill others.

Older and weaker, even if you hide, you will be found sooner or later. If you are found, there will be a dead end.

Anyway, it will not end well anyway.

He knows this very well.

Gu Zhige paused, and said seriously: "Oh...then you just want to find a boyfriend."

Next second.

Chongjiu: "Go..."

Gu Zhige smiled: "Don't do this, don't do this, just make a joke, you see you like this, I thought you were pricked by me, and became angry!"

Chongjiu was so angry that he would really rush to Gu Zhige if he still had a trace of reason.

He whispered angrily: "Xiang Qiuchi, do you want to die?"

Gu Zhige: "I don't want to."


Chongjiu turned and walked forward angrily.

Gu Zhige continued to follow with a smile on his lips.


This snack street is adjacent to the university town. Many students will come here at night, especially by young couples.

They walked all the way, not long, and the couples were surprised to meet a lot.

As before, the quarrelling ran into another pair.

This pair is amazing. The girl slapped the boy.

Seeing this scene, Chongjiu's mouth twitched.

He glanced at Gu Zhige: "This is the love you think is beautiful?"

Gu Zhige touched his nose: " can't understand it this way, do's a minority after all, and maybe that man is too scumbag. If you are in love, as long as you are not scumbag. , Then I won’t be beaten.”

"Ha ha……"

Chongjiu sarcastically said: "It's like you were in love. If I don't guess wrong, you are still single now."

Gu Zhige: "Ah..."

This is too heartbreaking.

In order to save face, he said: "Yes, I am indeed single, but that is because I am demanding, busy at work, and people who pursue me, but there is always no shortage. Some time ago, there was a senior foreign company. White-collar workers are chasing me frantically, everyone in our hospital knows."

Chongjiu chuckled again.

The couple who quarreled, after the man slapped him, instead of being annoyed, he knelt in front of the **** one knee, obviously asking for forgiveness.

Chongjiu twitched his mouth in disdain.

If, let him be like that man, like a fool, he would rather live alone like this.

Gu Zhige said: "Eh, kid...Don't look at this face, don't look at one pair, look at those two..."

He grabbed Chongjiu and pointed him to the other side.

There, the picture is better.

The cutest height is poor, the male is handsome and tall, the girl is petite and cute.

The two were sharing a cup of milk tea, and the look of the boy looking at the girl made people involuntarily show the smile of the old aunt (uncle).

Gu Zhige said, "Did you see it, that's what youth should be like."

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