You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2245:

Gu Zhige shook his head: "Look, you have forgotten what I said again. Here, it is really not easy to attack someone surnamed Gu, let alone you, even if it is the whole organization. People from all over the world may not be able to move out. Here, no one is a deliberate opponent."

The person next to him said: "You want to move, Gu Jingyuan's cousin, you still have to think about it first."

Gu Zhige nodded: "Yes, I am Gu Jingyuan's cousin. You want to kill me. First of all, you have to see if you can conquer the copper and iron walls set by the Gu family first."

The helper next to him added: "Don't think about it, it's impossible."

"That's right, don't look at it. How many years has the Gu family been operating in this city? What kind of organization is your organization, that is, a foreign killer organization. They don't know how advanced our technology is now in our country. There are cameras everywhere. There won’t be too many people entering the country. After screening again, almost who is the killer can be identified. Maybe, if you haven’t acted, the person will be arrested."

Gu Zhige nodded from the side: "Look, what you said is right. If you don't swagger, you can solve me silently while I'm not prepared. Maybe you can still Successful, hey, anyway, I should really thank you for coming and reminding me."

Chong Jiu gritted his teeth, his desire to die is gone, yeah, why should he come openly, he is really too high and Gu Zhige.

However, he was still unwilling.

Gu Zhige said to Chongjiu: "Today, I will not kill you, because I am now Gu Zhige, a doctor, and a doctor will not kill you, so I will let you go. If you feel unwilling and come to me to play whenever you want, you can do it as shown. Although you will not succeed, it does not matter. If you continue to work hard, fail this kind of thing, it may be unwilling the first time, but , It’s normal to fail a few times."

Chongjiu closed his eyes, trying to kill Gu Zhige, really wanting to kill him.

Gu Zhige said to the two helpers: "Let him go and leave a way for the young people to survive."

The two let go of Chongjiu.

Chongjiu was free, and he struggled to get up from the ground.

The ground was dirty, and his clothes were already soiled, and there was a strange smell.

Chongjiu's eyes opened wide, looking at Gu Zhige bitterly.

He said: "I won't give up like this."

Gu Zhige nodded, as if he didn't care about these words: "Well, I know, I believe you will come again, go go."

The helpers around him also answered: "Yes, this time it is a failure, to prepare for the next failure. Don't blame yourself too much."

Chongjiu, coughing...

It's so shameless.

Chongjiu didn't speak. He glanced at his distance from Gu Zhige. If he made another move right now, could he kill Gu Zhige before the two people and Gu Zhige started.

Maybe they didn't expect at this time that they would make another shot in such a short time.

Just thinking about it, I heard Gu Zhige say: "Don’t think about it, it’s useless. I still know what you think. None of the three of us is a rice bucket. If you keep struggling like this, it’s useless. A blow to self-esteem."


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