You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2250:

As a result, the problem was solved happily, and Gu Zhige drank two more when he only planned to have a drink.

After the two glasses of red wine, Gu Jingyuan asked Gu Zhige: "How about today?"

Gu Zhige said: "It's pretty good, it's okay, you send those two people, they are really good."

Gu Jingyuan glanced at Gu Zhige's arm: "Nothing, your arm is still injured?"

"Ah?" Gu Zhige just remembered that his arm seemed to be injured. He turned his head and glanced, and said indifferently: "Hey, what do you say, ah, it's okay, it's just a little bit of skin damage. The clothes are made of good material, thick, and tough. The kid cut it off with a single knife. Although it was broken, my arm injury was not serious. If you don’t tell me, I would have forgotten the injury."

He really didn't feel any pain in his arm before, and it was only when Gu Jingyuan reminded him that he felt a little pain.

"Then you will clean up the wound yourself later." Gu Jingyuan didn't ask about the injury any more, but instead asked Chongjiu: "What is the background of the person who came?"

Gu Zhige said: "It was the latest trump card in the organization after I left, a very powerful kid, back then... I can be regarded as the one who led him to debut."

"Whether than your heyday?"

Gu Zhige thought about it seriously, and said, "Compared to my heyday...I think...Um...I'm better then..."

Gu Jingyuan asked again: "Did you let him go?"

Gu Zhige nodded: "Yes, I'm still a child, besides, I am a good citizen who abides by the law now. I can't kill people."

Now Gu Zhige is really no longer the former killer Xiang Qiuchi.

There is no murderous in his heart, the butcher knife in his hand has been put down, he will no longer casually pick up the knife and kill anyone.

Gu Jingyuan nodded, yes, legal citizens are their family members.

He said: "Then what's next... Since the organizer has discovered your whereabouts, he is here to fight. If he fails, he will continue to send people in the future."

Gu Zhige said, "Well, it should still be..."

After speaking, he sighed: "This is really a bit troublesome."

Gu Jingyuan lazily shook the wine glass in his hand and said, "It's not too much trouble. At most, it's the recent period. Be more vigilant. You can bring a few more people. I will find someone to help me stare more on the entry side..."

"Yes, I will list some killer lists and information in the organization I know tonight, and send you..."

Gu Zhige was pretty good back then, and within the organization, he basically had information about the killers who could start to take over tasks.

Even though he can't draw people out, he knows all the obvious features or habits of the face or body.

Gu Jingyuan said: "Okay, this is the best, it can save a lot of time!"

Gu Zhige drank the red wine left in the glass in one breath, "I'm going to write... this matter, you can't delay."

Gu Jingyuan waved his hand to let him go quickly...


In the hotel, Chongjiu had put on clean clothes.

It was late, and Chongjiu hadn't slept yet.

"You failed." The short-haired woman in the room looked at Chongjiu, her eyes cold.

Chongjiu sat with no expression on his face: "Is this abnormal?"


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