You Are My Gravity

Chapter 226: little baby

The words of the kids made Zhen Baoer scared to pee!

Oh my God!

This...this...what kind of operation?

Zhen Baoer's first reaction was to touch her face, she still wore a mask and a hat!

So, how did this bunch of motherland's little flowers recognize her as Zhen Baoer?

Zhen Baoer immediately looked around. There were occasional carriages passing by on the road, and there were pedestrians on the sidewalks on both sides, but... I couldn't see who was suspicious!

Zhen Baoer swallowed her saliva, which was terrible.

This feeling is like having a pair of eyes behind, following her like a shadow.

No wonder she ran out of the coffee shop so easily, the feeling Gu Zhixin guy kept her back.

Zhen Baoer wanted to pretend not to hear anything, and wanted to bypass the children and leave directly.

But those few children held their little hands and circled Zhen Baoer in the middle: "Sister Baoer, your husband knows that he was wrong, forgive him, go home, the little baby in your stomach needs a father!"

Zhen Baoer almost never fell!

In her belly, the ghost knew that it would take hundreds of years to have a child!

Zhen Baoer hated Gu Zhixin to death. This **** is so cruel, even the children are poisoned!

Zhen Bao'er suppressed the fear in her heart, took a deep breath, and said: "Children, are wrong, sister, it's not called Bao'er, sister's name is... called... Xiaohua..."

Zhen Baoer saw the rose planted in the green belt on the roadside, and she scorned a name.

The children are still very cheating, and raised their surprised faces: "Sister, aren't you called Bo'er?"

Zhen Bao'er nodded: "Yes, my sister is not called Bao'er, you guys... go and ask the older sister who is coming back to see if she is?"

Zhen Baoer easily escaped from the encirclement of the children, and then walked forward.


The next experience broke her very much!

Everyone she passed by would stop her in a friendly way and say, "Miss Zhen, go home, your husband is waiting for you!"

One, two, three...N!

Zhen Baoer was going crazy. She turned into a dog from running tired. She turned into a convenience store on the roadside and bought a bottle of water. At the checkout, the money was collected, and the waiter handed her the change, "Miss Zhen, your husband is waiting. You go home, you still have a baby in your stomach, don't do strenuous exercise, be careful of hurting your baby!"

Zhen Baoer is mad, and there is no end to it?

Fuck your MD husband!

Fuck your MD baby!

"My old lady is single, single, single..."

Zhen Baoer used a very angry voice to emphasize three times that she is single!

The waiter at the convenience store didn't seem to feel her anger, "Okay Miss Zhen, your husband is waiting for you to go home, go slowly!"

As if for a time, the whole world knew that there was a husband named Zhen Baoer who left her with a child. Her husband slowed the world to find forgiveness!

Zhen Baoer left the convenience store and stopped a taxi to go back to the hotel. She couldn't stay in this area and transferred immediately.

When the taxi arrived, the driver turned to Zhen Baoer and said, "Ms. Zhen, your husband is waiting for you to go home. Do you need me to take you back?"

Zhen Baoer: "No need!"

After hurriedly packing her things and leaving the room, she pushed the suitcase and just walked out of the hotel door.

However, what shocked her was that the hotel waiters lined up in two rows and said in unison: "I wish Miss Zhen will take the baby home as soon as possible and be reunited with her husband!"

The manager also unfolded a big poster, two big and one small on the poster, Gu Zhixin and Zhen Baoer were holding a cute baby in the middle!

Zhen Baoer's legs were weak, and she stammered: "One family...three...three..."

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