You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2260:

The police came very quickly, and they had come to deal with Gu Zhige.

After arriving, he asked, "What's the matter with Doctor Gu?"

Gu Zhige pointed to the knife on the ground and said: "I don't know what's going on. This woman begged me for help, saying that her husband had been treating her domestically and asked me to hide her. I really felt that it was too inexplicable. She disagreed, and as a result, she suddenly picked up a knife to kill me...I am stunned now."

The police checked and found that the woman was **** with a disposable infusion set by Gu Zhige.

The woman was waiting for Gu Zhige in resentment with her eyes, gritted her teeth, as if she had a deep hatred with him.

When the police checked it, it seemed that there was indeed hatred.

Moreover, it all involves murder, so take it back and check it out.

So, he took the female killer directly, and took the knife as an exhibit. By the way, he told Gu Zhige that he had time to go there after get off work and make a transcript.

Gu Zhige and them are both old acquaintances. They have been injured and often ran over to find Gu Zhige to deal with them.

Gu Zhige naturally agreed and sent them out, politely saying goodbye.

The female killer turned her head and gave him a bad look when she was taken away.

After being beaten out by Chongjiu last night, she followed up with a small report saying that Chongjiu might also betray.

Her superiors said that if she had the ability to kill Gu Zhige, she would replace the position of Chongjiu and become the highest-ranking killer in the organization.

This makes the female killer more mindful. Once she becomes the highest-ranking killer in the organization, it means that she may no longer need to perform tasks in the future, and even though she has assigned tasks, she can enter the upper management of the entire killer organization.

So, the female killer took a risk and tried it herself.

She specially avoided Gu Zhige and came over by herself. She felt that she had made enough preparations beforehand.

But now, all preparations are in vain.

All her previous beautiful fantasies fell through.

What makes her more distressed is yet to come, because she doesn't know how to answer the police's questions at that time, and can't let her say that she is a killer?

Moreover, she can find out her identity that she has fabricated indiscriminately.

At that time, it is still a question whether her identity can be hidden.

Thinking of this, she started to have a headache.

Gu Zhige waved at the female killer with a smile!

The movement was so loud that many family members and nurses of the patients came over.

A nurse asked, "Doctor Gu, what's the matter?"

Gu Zhige smiled and said, "The patient may be a little unconscious. He wanted to kill me with a knife, so I called the police."

"Oh, my goodness, it's terrible, do you have anything to do with Doctor Gu?"

Gu Zhige smiled: "I'm fine... well, everyone should get off work after get off work, it's nothing serious."

The crowd was sighing and gradually dispersed.

Gu Zhige returned to the office and called Gu Jingyuan.

"A female assassin came to the office today and wanted to kill me. I called the police and was just taken away. You can find a way to leak the information about that female assassin to the police, especially some of the cases she committed before."

Now Gu Zhige wouldn't kill people casually, and everything still had to be solved through legitimate channels.

That female assassin was more glaring, and should be a little assassin he hadn't seen before.

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