You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2275:

After that, Song Yizhi blinked at Gu Zhige, as if saying: How are you, brother!

Gu Zhige couldn't say what he was feeling, he was neither happy nor nervous, but he felt so bored.

However, the capital of Song Yizhi has already done this, and others have also come to the other girls, and they can't keep their faces cold. This is impolite, and this is not the style of Doctor Gu.

Gu Zhige smiled politely: "Hello, I am Gu Zhige."

Song Yizhi's girlfriend Qiao Lanlan stood up with her daughter and greeted Gu Zhige.

Qiao Lanlan was okay. She had met Gu Zhige once after all, and her daughter was somewhat embarrassed.

After all...this is a blind date.

After the two sides met each other, Song Yizhi hurriedly said: "Now that everyone is here, let's quickly let the waiter start serving dishes."

Gu Zhige sat down and frowned, "You haven't eaten yet, are you?"

Song Yizhi was wronged: "Is this always waiting for you?"

Originally, I was going to introduce a girlfriend to Gu Zhige, but as a result, no one else came. Of course, I couldn't eat this meal!

Gu Zhige frowned and said: "I told you everything, I can't move on the road, let you not wait for me..."

Qiao Lanlan said quickly: "It's okay, we're not hungry, and it's still early, we actually haven't waited too long."

Qiao Lanlan is a good-tempered girl, otherwise she can't be a kindergarten teacher.

Madoka also nodded and said, "Yes, and... we just ordered some desserts."

Gu Zhige felt a little embarrassed, but it was okay to have Song Yizhi and his girlfriend in an active atmosphere.

However, Song Yizhi seized the opportunity and began to promote Gu Zhige, making him feel like a slow-moving product.

Every time Gu Zhige forced a cue, he felt embarrassed.

But after a meal, Gu Zhige couldn't say that he was interested in Qiao Lanlan's girlfriend. He could only say that this girl was okay.

The appearance is medium to upper, which belongs to the small and fresh style, the hair just reached the ears, and the dress is also very small and fresh. Overall, she is a pretty well-behaved girl.

Qiao Lanlan is a girl with a good family education and a well-behaved person. Her best friend, although slightly more lively than her in character, is similar.

Xiaoyuan is a plane model, and she takes street photos of some women's clothing stores in a certain treasure.

She still has a good impression of Gu Zhige, after all, Gu Zhige's hardware is good enough, just that face, as a white face, is eager to support someone who eats soft food.

Gu Zhige is polite, and he speaks humorously. After a meal, Madoka's eyes have changed a little while watching Gu Zhige.

When it was time to pay, Gu Zhige didn't let Song Yizhi come.

He said: "I am late today. I am really embarrassed to have you waited so long, so of course I should pay for this meal."

Song Yizhi turned around in his mind and quickly agreed: "That's OK...just as I owe you a meal, next time we get together."

Of course Song Yizhi didn't want to escape the money for the meal. He just felt that with the money for a meal, there would be a chance to meet next time.

Let Gu Zhige and Xiaoyuan see one more time, and the two will deepen their communication, and maybe it will be done soon.

Song Yizhi felt that his fatherly heart was about to be broken by Gu Zhige.

As soon as I got out of the order, I started to worry about my buddies...


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