You Are My Gravity

Chapter 228: Counterattack

After Zhen Baoer saw the words on the banner, her calf softened, and she thumped and knelt on the ground, her face as gray!

Zhen Baoer was suddenly thankful that her face hadn't been adjusted, otherwise, she shouldn't make her nose and chin crooked!

Just now she was still feeling that the nightmare of last night was finally over.

But now, Zhen Baoer knew that she was too naive and too stupid!

She actually felt that Gu Zhixin would let her go after the whole day of God's operation yesterday?

He was obviously not playing cat and mouse, and wanted to drive her crazy and collapse.

She couldn't escape at all.

Now, Zhen Baoer can be regarded as seeing Gu Zhixin's supernatural powers!

Zhen Baoer really wanted to ask him: You have such magical powers, why don't you go to heaven? Where can the surface be tolerated, you are such an awesome character!

She trembled and ran back to get her mobile phone, picked Qin Se's number with trembling fingers, and dialed her.

Then, no one got through and no one answered.

Zhen Baoer continued to fight, keep fighting.

After finally hitting four or five links, Qin Se finally picked it up.

"Boa, what's the matter?"

Today was arranged by Gu Jingyuan. When his parents and Zhou Ping met, Qin Se was very nervous. After getting up in the morning, he began to prepare makeup and clothes.

Although Gu Jingyuan comforted her and said that it was okay, don't worry too much, it will be fine.

But Qin Se was still very nervous. After all, her second-married girl was going to see the wealthy in-laws. She had met Gu Huaizhang. She didn't think she was too difficult to talk. However, Mrs. Gu, she had never seen her.

Gu Jingyuan told her that Lin Yuexian is a person who likes to paint and pursues a high degree of art.

Qin Se is even more worried. She has no pursuit of art at all.

Qin Se was picking up clothes just now, and did not hear the bell.

Hearing Qin Se’s voice, Zhen Baoer felt that she had found a savior. Her nose was sore, and she grieved: "Se Niu, help, if you don’t save me, I will really be killed by someone. After I die , I will find you every night, I will let you and Gu Jingyuan, there is no way to grow children!"

Qin Se was shocked: "Bo'er, I don't know what you have gone through, but... I just want to say, if you really become a ghost, don't come to me, you forgot what my mother did, you Beware of being accepted by my mother!"

Zhen Baoer...

"I don't care, you must save me anyway."

"Okay, come here, I'll send you an orientation!"

After Qin Se sent Zhen Baoer the location, she finally felt that she was a lot safer.

She didn't believe that Gu Zhixin could really kill his sister-in-law to be a gangster.

Zhen Baoer snorted coldly. Before leaving, she wanted to show Gu Zhixin a good look.

Zhen Baoer packed up and went downstairs to eat and check out.

During the meal, the waiter enthusiastically gave her a table that was not what she ordered.

"This is full of descendants!"

"This is called Bing Tilian Kai!"

"This is forever!"

Finally, there is one sentence: "We wish Miss Zhen and your spouse Mr. Gu, we will live together in love with each other!"

Zhen Baoer gritted her teeth angrily. She smiled and asked, "Is there a loudspeaker?"

The waiter quickly brought it to her.

After half an hour, Zhen Baoer left by taxi.

After she left, the audio recording of Lakari staying in the hotel was opened.

"Gu Zhixin, I will never forgive you, you scumbag, you rolled on a bed with other women when I was pregnant, and now that woman doesn't want you, you just turned around and asked for reconciliation, you When am I?"

"Eating **** is enough once, I won't eat it a second time!"

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