You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2294:

Rui lowered his head and said lonely: "I'm sorry..."

Gu Zhige: "Haha..."

To be honest, he didn't want to talk to Rui at all, he had already recognized this person's true face.

Regardless of the appearance, there is no harm, it seems to be eager for everyone, not to hide oneself, can be a confidant of the other party, can work hard for the other party.

But in fact, that's not the case at all.

All his disguise is just to get more benefits for himself.

Just like he really used it for Gu Zhige for many years.

Before seeing Rui's true face, Gu Zhige really regarded Rui as his training camp, or the only friend in that darkest period of life.

However, the facts have proved that people are also using him to get into danger again and again, and use him to help themselves achieve their goals.

Although Rui did not learn very well when he was in the training camp, he really learned well while pretending to be himself.

If it hadn't been a big loss, Gu Zhige would still not be able to see the true face of the other party.

If Rui's heart is opened, it is really black!

Although it seems that Ruiy said what he said was heart-stirring, it seemed that he had already changed his mistakes and regretted it, but Gu Zhige still didn't believe it.

This person is accustomed to this. As long as it is said from his mouth, it seems to come from the heart, and it is difficult for people to doubt.

Gu Zhige sighed with emotion. If he weren't determined in his heart, he might really be moved by him.

Gu Zhi Goken sat with him to eat this meal, not because of the previous friendship, but because he didn’t want to talk nonsense with him, didn’t want to waste too much time with him, and he was really hungry and full. , I have the strength to fight.

Although he didn't think Rui would be his opponent, but who knows, is there any trick behind this black-hearted guy?

Gu Zhige ate quickly, not looking at Rui at all.

He just wants to eat, fight or go home.

Anyway, there is no time to spend time with Rui.

Rui came to him this time, and Gu Zhige felt that the purpose was very simple. Kill him or kill him.

Of course, Rui should also know that he can't kill Gu Zhige, so he plans to come and test it first to find out Gu Zhige's attitude towards him now.

Gu Zhige thinks it should be like this...

In short, whether it is for this purpose or not, Gu Zhige doesn't believe that Rui will do any good when approaching him.

Absolutely not!

Gu Zhige is not so stupid to believe him, he is not that stupid yet.

Rui saw that Gu Zhige had no plans to talk to him at all. He sighed, his eyes dimmed a bit, he picked up his chopsticks, eating nothing.

Gu Zhige had eaten a few plates of mutton, some vegetables and mushrooms, and then he didn't plan to eat any more, so he dropped his chopsticks and pulled out a paper towel.

"I'm finished, you can eat slowly, the waiter pays."

When Rui heard this, he hurriedly said: "Qiuchi..."

Gu Zhige stretched out his hand: "Stop, my name is Gu Zhige."

The waiter came, Rui had something to say, but he still worried that outsiders would not speak.

Gu Zhige paid the money directly, picked up the car key and left.

Rui chased it out: "Even if you don't treat me as a friend anymore, then we can still say a few words even if we are strangers. Although I am here this time, I really don't have the heart to kill you... …"

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