You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2309:

Gu Zhige nodded again and again: "Yes, some patients have been waiting for the operation for a long time, and the patient's condition cannot be delayed. After all, I am a doctor. If I just think about love and have no intention of working, then it really is not me."

"Then if you are not so busy looking back, hurry up and go on a date with someone else. Finally, there is a girl who is willing to date you. You must be more careful."

Gu Zhige nodded: "Hmm..."

He has already learned well. On this issue, he must follow the two of the family and don't refute, because refuting is useless.

After eating, Gu Zhige was about to leave. Zhou Ping stopped him and said, "Recently, you still have to pay more attention to your safety and don't let yourself be injured."

Zhou Ping discovered this morning that Gu Zhige Yintang was slightly darker than yesterday.

Although it is still not fatal, it is estimated that it will survive smoothly in the end.

However, Zhou Ping was worried that Gu Zhige would inevitably be injured in this process, so he reminded him to be careful and not careless.

Gu Zhige was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "Well, I know, Aunt Ping, don't worry, I will be very careful."

Zhou Ping handed Gu Zhige a triangle-shaped talisman: "This is the amulet I painted yesterday. You bring it."

Gu Zhige's heart warmed and took it over, "Okay."

"Go to work and drive slowly."

Gu Zhige nodded, and put the amulet in his pocket.


The hospital was still very busy today. Two emergency rooms were sent in the morning. One was a broken leg, the other was a girl who broke up with her boyfriend and was stabbed, and she was also stabbed twice in the face.

When Gu Zhige stitched the girl, he was full of emotion.

Nima, this relationship is too risky. She was almost killed after breaking up and her face was disfigured. Although this girl is not life-threatening, she will be overwhelmed for the rest of her life.

This time, Gu Zhige's thoughts of falling in love were distracted a lot.

He should be a single dog honestly.

However, Gu Zhige soon discovered that it is not so easy to be a single dog without burden.

When he was about to get off work, Gu Zhige finally had time to rest.

A sip of water, before drinking it, a little nurse ran over with a gossip face and said with a smile: "Doctor Gu, someone is looking for it."

Gu Zhige frowned: "Who is looking for me?"

The first reaction in his heart was, could it be that some killer came over and wanted to "chat" him? The people in his family and the nurses at the nurse station basically knew each other, and they came to him and they would find the office directly. Will not let the nurse to help convey.

The nurse definitely didn't know who came.

Gu Zhige almost subconsciously picked up the pen on the table.

The little nurse shook his head: "I don't know, girl, she looks pretty."

Gu Zhige frowned: "Girl?"

Is it another female killer who came here?

Quickly flashed through his mind, the female killer in the organization.

The little nurse blinked, "Doctor Gu, you will know if you go to see."

Gu Zhige put the pen in his pocket and got up to go out.

After a short while, he knew who the "female killer" was.

When Xiaoyuan saw Gu Zhige wearing a white coat, wearing glasses, and a breath of forbidden yu, she thought it was the handsome man that only appeared in the comics. She only felt that she was going to faint when he was handsome. It's gone, huh, it's so pretty.

She blushed and called out: "Doctor Gu..."

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