You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2317:

When eating, unlike some girls who want to lose weight, they don't eat two bites.

She eats very fragrantly, eats a lot of each dish, and praises it while eating.

Especially when eating roast duck, she said with emotion: "Wow...It's really delicious, I'm going to cry... Doctor Gu, you don't know, when I work, I mostly eat box lunch, sometimes barbecue. Compared with this, I feel that those are all rubbish..."

Gu Zhige thought she was a little cute. He thought about it and said, "I know that a barbecue is delicious. I will take you there when I have time."

Madoka was so happy that she was almost caught by a fishbone, and she nodded again and again: "Okay, okay..."

Wow, Doctor Gu took the initiative to ask her!

I'm so happy.

It's worth coming today!

When Madoka was happy, she ate another bowl of rice.

After eating, Xiaoyuan touched her bulging belly and said, "I was too full to eat today. I must have 3 catties of meat for this meal."

Gu Zhige glanced at Xiaoyuan's slender figure and said, "You are three kilograms long, and you are not fat."

Xiaoyuan’s cheeks are reddish: "I...I don’t think I’m fat, but...we have to take pictures. The requirements are a bit harsh. If you eat a little fat, the pictures will not look good. I still have to maintain my body shape, but I’m fine. I'm not afraid to eat more, I don't grow much meat."

After Madoka finished speaking, she breathed in her heart.

Fortunately, Yuan came back. If she said she wanted to stay in shape and couldn't eat more, what if Doctor Gu refused to take her to a barbecue?

In Xiao Yuan's heart, as long as he can eat with Doctor Gu, it doesn't matter how much he gains.

You don't need to work.

After paying the bill, Gu Zhige and Xiaoyuan walked out of the restaurant. He was going to send Xiaoyuan home.

Just stepping out of the restaurant, Madoka asked Gu Zhige, "Doctor Gu, it's late, will you be late for work if you send me off? I'm fine in the afternoon, I can..."

Before he finished speaking, Gu Zhige suddenly grabbed Xiao Yuan's arm, yanked it, and quickly flashed his arms around her waist.

Before the figure stood still, he heard a snap, as if something fell to the ground and broke.

Xiao Yuan exclaimed in a low voice, turned her head to look, only to see a broken flower pot where she was standing.

The flowerpot was not small, it was broken, and a piece of soil fell.

Madoka's eyes widened in fright: "Mom..."

If it weren't for Gu Zhige's eyesight and quick hands, Xiao this flower pot would have been smashed on Xiao Yuan's head.

It's not a small problem to be smashed in the head by this flowerpot, it might be fatal.

Madoka panicked, "Gu...Doctor Gu..."

She turned to look at Gu Zhige, and saw that he was looking up upstairs.

Gu Zhige's eyes were slightly narrowed. Looking at it from Xiaoyuan's perspective, he could not see the gloom and murderousness in his eyes, only two rows of long eyelashes.

Gu Zhige just saw a figure flashing by the bed on the 8th floor.

He can be sure that this flowerpot is definitely not an accident, the figure that flashed past must be a killer.

Gu Zhige is not good at chasing the killer now, he lowered his head and asked, "Is it all right?"

Xiaoyuan shook her head and said gratefully: "No...I'm fine, thank you Doctor Gu, you saved me again, if it weren't for you, I would definitely be on the street now."

Gu Zhige: "You don't need to thank you, you are fine."

After all, he was the one who caused the trouble, and the killer was the one who spoiled him.

Xiaoyuan was about to cry when she was touched by Gu Zhige's simple sentence. She said, "Doctor Gu, how can you be so good?"

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