You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2325:

Just after taking two steps, Gu Zhige's eyes suddenly drenched, and he suddenly turned sideways, avoiding the deadly attack that came silently from behind.

Gu Zhige's hand quickly grabbed the hand holding the knife that came behind him and twisted it hard.

With a snap, the dagger fell to the ground.

The killer let out a muffled snort.

Gu Zhige pushed hard, the killer fell to the ground, Gu Zhige sneered: "Sure enough, you can't just trust you."

Fortunately, he really believed the other person just now, thinking that he really wanted to look back like him.


After all, it's not the same person.

Everything the killer had just done was just to confuse Gu Zhige.

He used his left hand to pick off his right hand muscles and used self-harm to win the trust of Gu Zhige and let him relax his vigilance.

Just after Gu Zhige turned around, he held the knife in his left hand, pointed it at Gu Zhige's vest, and stab it forcefully.

He thought that his movements were fast enough, he thought he was absolutely capable, but he didn't expect that he still failed.

Gu Zhige glanced at his bleeding right hand, and said contemptuously: "Tsk, it's a good idea..."

The assassin changed his pitiful face and said, "Oh, it's no loss that you are the once king of assassins..."

Gu Zhige glanced at his left hand: "Abandon the right hand and leave the left hand. It seems that your left hand is more comfortable to use than your right hand?"

As expected, none of them who were killers could believe it.

Those killers, everyone will keep a hole card for themselves, a hole card that no one else knows.

At the critical moment, I can save my life.

This killer's hole card should be his left hand.

The killer snorted: "If you want to kill or slash, please..."

Gu Zhige shook his head: "The cards are all showing up, but they haven't succeeded yet. It's really... It's a pity that you have succeeded in letting me let you go. Why bother to die? Look at your hole cards. Come on, it's really... useless."

The killer said: "I underestimated you, but I don't regret it, if I don't try hard, who knows that I will fail and kill you... I am the new king of killers. I am in the whole way, no one can beat ...You don't know how much temptation your life is, for me, for us assassins..."

Gu Zhige nodded: "I can understand it, but when you face me, don't fight it. After all... you don't have a chance to win. With me, you only fail 100%..."

Gu Zhige's words are arrogant, but he has this capital, his self-confidence, and his arrogance all come from his own ability.

He has to say that these assassins that have appeared so far are all too bad, and they are not worth his shot...

Gu Zhige bent down and picked up the dagger on the ground: "Young people, sometimes hard work, it is a good thing to be willing to make progress, but you must really have that ability, otherwise, it will only hurt yourself."

Gu Zhige grabbed his bleeding hand, "I'm here with you, can I add another knife?"

Just now I said that I wanted to kill or pluck a casual killer, and suddenly he persuaded: "If you kill me here, you won't be able to pick it clean, you are now Gu Zhige, you are not Xiang Qiuchi, you can't just kill people..."

He struggled, but it was useless, how could Gu Zhige give him a chance.

Gu Zhige said indifferently: "You have no chance, just now... I have already given you, you are not sure."

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