You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2331:

"Hehe, I don't like to listen to jokes."

Gu Zhige hooked Chongjiu's shoulders: "Okay, stop talking nonsense, let's go, uncle will take you to dinner."

Chongjiu stretched out his hand and pushed him away: "Go away, don't touch me, who are you uncle, who came to eat with you, don't be close to me."

Gu Zhige shrugged: "Okay, since you refuse to let me invite you to dinner, then you go. I have limited time. I won't chat with you anymore, I'm going to dinner."

After speaking, Gu Zhige turned and left.

Chongjiu looked at Gu Zhige's back, gritted his teeth, and caught up.


The waiter brought up a pot of sauerkraut fish, and Gu Zhige glanced at Chongjiu: "Hehe..."

Didn’t you come to eat?

I'm not here yet.

Chongjiu picked up the chopsticks and picked up the fish fillet, without paying attention to Gu Zhige and eating.

After eating the first bite of fish fillet, Chongjiu's movements speeded up significantly. He obviously liked this sauerkraut fish.

Gu Zhige despised: "Didn't you come to me to eat?"

Chongjiu snorted, "You take a bite of my uncle, and you take so much advantage of me. What happened to your meal?"

As he was talking, two people from other departments came and saw Gu Zhige greet him: "Doctor Gu is here for dinner too?"

Gu Zhige greeted them: "Yes, you are here too."

The two reached the table next to Gu Zhige. After chatting for a few words, the two looked at Chongjiu curiously: "This is..."

Chongjiu raised his head and said very badly: "What do you look at?"

Gu Zhige hurriedly said, "Oh, my nephew, I didn't want to go to school, and I caught skipping class. I just had a training session and I'm getting angry."

After speaking, Gu Zhige probed half of his body, and slapped Chongjiu's head with a slap: "Smelly boy, called Uncle, how old is he, don't know how to be polite, and don't say hello to the elders."

Chongjiu gritted his teeth, raised his head and waited fiercely for Gu Zhige, his eyes were murderous.

Gu Zhige said to his colleagues: "Look, this stinky boy treats me like this. Young people nowadays are really unruly. You said that when we were so old with him, we never did this before. I Don't talk about skipping classes when you go to school.

Gu Zhige's words caused Chongjiu to die in disgust.

This guy came with a lie open his mouth, and said that he is really like many ordinary people, he has a youth with too many rules, and he has also gone to medical college.

The two colleagues very much agreed with Gu Zhige's words: "Oh, isn't it? When we were in college, we were so nervous about studying, holding medical books like turning our heads all day, and there was no spare time..."

"However, many young people nowadays are like this, as is the child of a relative in my family, who pursues individuality all day long, and I don’t understand many things we do. We have a generation gap with them. ."

A few people immediately talked about the generation gap, and everyone expressed their opinions and reviewed Chongjiu from beginning to end.

He gritted his teeth with great anger, if it weren't for the sauerkraut fish and hairy blood in front of him, he would have left.

Chongjiu glared at Gu Zhige bitterly. When he spoke, he tried to kill two-thirds.

When Gu Zhige stopped to prepare to eat, he took a look, oh the grass, the pot was empty.

Gu Zhige glanced at Chongjiu, who was fishing for the bottom of the pot, and said disgustedly: "Really a foodie!"


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