You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2334:

In Chongjiu's heart, countless "grass"...... whizzing past!

He was itchy at all, but he couldn't do much.

By the way, Gu Zhige’s two nosy colleagues also came over and saw them thinking that they were arguing. I like it, but he is really good. He can treat patients the same as his family, not to mention to you. You may feel unhappy to hear him say it, but after two years, you You know how right he said this."

"Yeah, young, everyone has a time when they are young and frivolous, but they still have to endure their temper. After all, their relatives are naturally sincere for you."

Gu Zhige nodded: "Who said no, what I **** for this kid is really like my father's heart..."

Chong Nine...

I can go to you.

Bastard, he was an uncle just now, and now he calls himself a relative.

Lao Tzu is your father, who will take advantage?

Chongjiu glared at Gu Zhige with fire-breathing eyes, murderous, as if to say: You wait for Laozi.

Gu Zhige slapped another hand, re-gathering the hair on his head.

Gu Zhige said very generously: "Okay, let's not talk about you, go back to school, you are truant today, I will not tell your parents about it, but there can be no next time. If you get caught by me again, then you won't be able to escape so easily."

Gu Zhige said this as if he was really his old uncle.

Yixin is a good uncle who thinks about his younger generation.

Colleagues all persuaded: "Yes, go back, study is the most important thing, but you must not waste your studies."

Chong Jiu Man's threatening words could not be said at this time.

The first time he encountered this kind of speechlessness.

In the end, he didn't say a word, the nest caught fire, and he turned and left angrily.

He heard Gu Zhige say behind his back: "Look, this kid is still unhappy in his heart. I don't know how to scold me."

"Children are like this now, don't think too much about it. It's good for your cousin to do these things. After all, he is an adult, so he knows how to choose."

To say that this is unintentional, the listener has the heart.

Chongjiu paused when he heard this.

He is already an adult, and it's time for an adult to make his own choices.

Chongjiu raised his head and glanced at the sky.

Today's sun is not so good, the cold air is coming, gloomy, and the cold wind has been blowing.

The winter in the north is dry and cold, dry and cold, and there is little rain in winter. If you go out for a circle, if you don't apply skin care products, your skin can be smeared.

Chongguo rubbed his face and walked away.

Gu Zhige turned to look at Chongjiu, a helpless smile appeared on the corner of his lips, and then left with two colleagues.

It's just that they don't even know at this moment. From when they eat in the restaurant to when they come out, they are all under the supervision of a pair of good eyes in the distance.

In the car, Rui asked his female partner: "Have you all been photographed?"

The female partner was holding a high-definition video camera in her hand, and she nodded: "It's done, it's clear."

Rui: "Okay..."

The female partner sneered: "With these photos, I want to see how Chongjiu is still sophistry."

Rui looked through the camera photos, each of which had the front faces or side pictures of Gu Zhige and Chongjiu.

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