You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2337:

Otherwise, always take some small orders, not only the money is low, but in the future, more and more customers will be lost.

The most terrible thing is that their organization's influence on the Tao will be weakened day by day.

At that time, there will be other killer organizations to replace them, and they will no longer be able to maintain their former glory.

As soon as Gu Zhige left, for the entire organization, although it did not mean that it was immediately fatal, it was tantamount to a powerful and heavy injury, and it was still a continuous blood loss.

At this time, Chong Jiu appeared, and he became the only person in the organization who could replace Gu Zhige.

He showed the edge in the shortest time, which gave the old guys above confidence.

They treated Chongjiu very well and gave him a lot of special treatment that Gu Zhige didn't have before.

Moreover, the commission for each order also gave him a bit more commission.

In the same way, in order to prevent the recurrence, the same situation as Gu Zhige's reappearance, the organization's monitoring of Chongjiu's light and secret is also very strict.

But the more they are like this, the more resentful Chongguo is.

From the beginning, he was not a person willing to obey discipline, not to mention that he is now capable.

In fact, Chongjiu is also waiting for an opportunity.

One that allows him to bottom out and rebound.


After Rui returned to the room, he immediately called his female partner: "Send the photos you took today to the boss immediately."

The female partner said: "Okay, I see, I'll send an email right away."

She said again: "Oh, by the way, I found the information about the girl who ate with Xiang Qiuchi. She should be pursuing Xiang Qiuchi. The two met on a blind date. Xiang Qiuchi didn't seem to dislike her either. Maybe it will start to fall in love soon."

When Rui heard this, he sneered and said, "Heh, being in love is really going to live the life of an ordinary citizen."

There is still time to fall in love.

Rui squeezed the phone tightly, his heart becoming more angry.

Why, he can live so well, why, also in the mud, I am not afraid of rolling for so many years, Gu Zhige can live so comfortably now.

At this time, there is still the mind to fall in love.

Rui said: "Send me the woman's information."

"Okay, I will send it to you right away."

After hanging up the phone, the female partner first sent Madoka's information to Rui, and then sent an email to the organization's upper-level secret law, which contained nine secret photos taken during the meeting with Gu Zhige today.

And wrote a sentence: Xiang Qiu Chi Zhongjiu, suspected of reaching a joint agreement.

Rui clicked on, Madoka's information.

Seeing Madoka's photo, she sneered.


In the early morning, Chongjiu received a call from their killer organization.

Chong Jiu closed his eyes and put the phone to his ear: "Hey..."

The old voice sounded: "Little Jiu, it's me."

The impatient expression on Chongjiu's face slowly faded, but he was still very impatient: "What's the matter? I'm so sleepy, I want to sleep, so I have something to say quickly."

"That's it. Suddenly there was an urgent order with a commission of 50 million U.S. dollars. This is not easier to do than buying and selling. I thought about it. Only you can do the whole organization. Come back and take this order. This time Commission, how can I count you 70%?"

With an old voice, rough and hoarse, he took a few breaths after saying this.

Chongjiu slowly opened his eyes, his eyes black and bright, like torches.

He said: " good, 70%...really a lot..."

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