You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2339:

Chongjiu raised the corners of his lips and sneered silently: "It sounds reasonable."

However, he didn't believe it, he didn't believe that there would be such a good thing.

If it was another time, not at this time point, Chongjiu might believe it, but now, without even thinking about it, he knew that there was a conspiracy in this matter.

Chongjiu thought of Rui.

His mind was turning quickly, reminiscing all possible situations.

As a killer, everything will directly consider the worst.

Chongjiu felt that the worst situation at present was that the old guy in the organization suspected that he was going to defect like Gu Zhige, and before he officially took action, he was called back, and then...executed him.

Those old guys would not allow it, and the second Gu Zhige situation appeared.

Such rare top killers as Gu Zhige and Chongjiu are the sharpest knives in their hands, and they are also their cash machines.

If they cannot hold the knife themselves, they don't want it to fall into the hands of others.

Gu Zhige had already taught them enough.

Therefore, they did not allow Chongjiu to take Gu Zhige's path again.

The old voice laughed and said: "Yes, think about it, you solve the employer's goal, get the money, and then come back to kill Xiang Qiuchi. It is entirely possible. The other killers, you think they can kill Xiang Qiuchi. Isn’t it waiting for you to come back to solve it?"

Chongjiu smiled and said: "Fifth Uncle, you are too acclaimed... However, since this task is given so much money, the risk factor must be extremely high. What I am worried about now is that if I go, in case I didn’t kill the employer’s goal, and killed myself first. Then I’ve lost a lot of money. Not only did Xiang Qiuchi fail to kill him, he didn’t make any money. This is...too bad, right?"

The old man who was called by Chongjiu to be the fifth uncle said: "Why, I believe you, you have never failed in your mission. You are the most talented killer I have ever seen. Even Xiang Qiuchi couldn't talk to you. By the same token, I think you will be successful."

A stern cold light flashed in Chongjiu's eyes.

"Thank you, Uncle Wu, for being so confident in me, but... I don’t have that much confidence in myself. After all, there is a lot of money and danger. We all know this. Otherwise, you won’t come to me directly. I want to draw 70%, which is not a decimal."

Chongjiu paused for a while, and continued: "What's more... I still have a worry now. If I leave and someone solves Xiang Qiuchi during my absence, what should I do? Should I step on the soles of the feet of a person who has been crushed by me? Such a scene, I don't want to happen."

"I'm here to kill Xiang Qiuchi, because I want to be the first person in the organization...I don't want to be overwhelmed."

There was a silent silence on the other end of the phone.

A few seconds later, Uncle Wu said: "This, I can understand your ideas, but the other killers in the organization are really... useless, they can't kill Xiang Qiuchi..."

Chongjiu smiled and said: "Uncle Wu, whoever can't be so sure, you know that Rui is still there. At the beginning, Rui almost killed Xiang Qiuchi. Now, he naturally has that ability... just in case he is really Killing Xiang Qiuchi, am I going to obey orders and fuck? Then I'm not reconciled."

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