You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2356:

After a while, waiting for the red light at the intersection, Gu Zhige quickly picked up the phone.

It turned out that Madoka was calling from above.

Gu Zhige was a little surprised. Is there anything wrong with Xiaoyuan calling him at this time?

He wanted to call Madoka, but the red light indicated that it was a countdown, and there were no more seconds left.

Gu Zhige hurriedly sent a WeChat message to Xiaoyuan, asking her if there was anything wrong.

Then the green light turned on, and Gu Zhige put down his phone and started the car again.

After arriving at the airport, Gu Zhige parked the car and got off the car with his mobile phone.

He glanced at WeChat, Xiaoyuan did not reply.

Gu Zhige thought she might be busy, but didn't see it.

He was about to make a call, but the phone rang and it was Qin Zheng.

As soon as he connected, he heard Qin Zheng's anxious voice on the phone: "Hello, my brother, are you here? I can't hold it anymore..."

Gu Zhige hurried forward: "Here is here, you carry it for a while, I will pass it, but why don't you call your agency, your assistant?"

Qin Zheng paused: "Hey, don't mention it, I'll tell you when I go home."

Gu Zhige immediately noticed something was wrong: "You...couldn't you come back secretly without telling your brokerage company?"

When Qin Zheng called Gu Zhige and asked him to pick him up at the airport, he said very simple, nothing else.

When Gu Zhige wanted to ask something more, he hung up, saying that the situation was not very good.

Gu Zhige didn't ask much, so he came quickly.

As soon as I heard it now, it was obvious that this kid had sneaked back by himself, he didn't even bring his assistant, and he didn't tell his family in advance.

Now I was blocked in the men's room, and I couldn't help it, so I called him.

Qin Zhengqingqing Sangzi: "Well...I'm back anyway, if you ask what you are doing, you can hurry up, come here..."

Gu Zhige helpless: "You wait."

After hanging up the phone, Gu Zhige ran into the airport and forgot to call Xiaoyuan.

According to Qin Zheng, Gu Zhige found the men's toilet where he was trapped.

It's very easy to find because there are many people at the door.

There are men, women, and reporters.

Some reporters directly found the scene and reported that Qin Zheng was blocked in the men's toilet at the airport for nearly two hours, and he has not come out yet.

Gu Zhige's face turned black when he heard it. These reporters have no morals, right?

Blocking people in the men’s room makes people unable to get out. They have to stay here for themselves, deliberately trying to take the most embarrassing side of others, so the celebrities are not humans?

Can celebrities have their own private lives?

Gu Zhige's face was dark, and he suddenly walked towards the male reporter, then... grabbed the opponent's machine and fell to the ground severely.

The reporter and the people around were stunned.

The male reporter reacted and exploded with anger: "You..."

"Who are you, who are you, why you smashed my machine, you must pay me."

Gu Zhige said coldly: "If I fall something, I will naturally pay, but I advise you to be a man."

" scold me, why are you scolding me, who are you?"

Gu Zhige interrupted him: "Shut up...get away."

If it weren't for the fact that Gu Zhige could not hit people at will now, these people are really shameless.

The reporter yelled: "Everyone should take pictures of him. This is this person, this person is unreasonable, rude and arrogant. He smashed my machine without talking, but even cursing..."

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