You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2363:

Qin Zheng still didn't give up.

Gu Zhige said without thinking, "Nonsense, of course not. Although I am not on a date yet, but I told people to invite other girls to have a barbecue, but when you bring you, what do you think of others, people must think , I hate him and don't want to be alone with him, so I deliberately brought a man over."

After speaking in one breath, Gu Zhige suddenly regretted.

He... seems to have leaked, what very important news...


In the next second, I heard Qin Zheng’s humble voice: "Oh, what did I hear? It turned out to be a barbecue, so I said... You don’t hate that girl, because you like it, so, I just want to invite him to dinner, so I don't want me to follow?"

Gu Zhige suddenly regretted his death: "Nothing, don't talk nonsense, I didn't say anything just now."

Qin Zheng Haha: "I have heard it all. It's useless if you deny it, but if you really took the girl to a barbecue, wouldn't it be so good? It's a cold day, not summer. A barbecue and beer will solve it. No problem, two more meals..."

Gu Zhige: ""My business, you don't care. "

"How can it be done, my brother's business, that is my business, and must be managed, so... you really can't do this, you really don't consider changing to a higher-end restaurant."

Gu Zhige stretched out his hand to bring Qin Zheng's head together, and pushed aside: "Don't talk nonsense, the more high-end restaurants, the less delicious the food... I know it in my heart, don't ask."

Qin Zheng shrugged: "Alright... But I have something, you have to promise me."

Gu Zhige: "Say, but will you agree? That's my business."

"Don't worry, it will definitely not be an excessive request. I just want to go back from a date tonight. Oh, in case, if you come back from a date, remember to bring me some barbecue. I want to eat it."

When Gu Zhige heard this, he let out a sigh of relief: "That's it, no problem."

After driving for more than an hour, I finally came to my doorstep.

Gu Zhige didn't drive into the yard, he said, "Go in by yourself, I won't go back."

Qin Zheng unfastened his seat belt and couldn't go down: "What are you doing, I'm all back, go home and eat some fruit before leaving."

Gu Zhige shook his head: "No, I'm still busy in the hospital..."

"What are you busy? I'm just afraid of being bombed by them as soon as I enter the house. I don't know you yet.

Gu Zhige urged: "If you know, go down quickly, I have to go..."

Qin Zheng: "I won't...unless you promise me one more thing..."

"Don't even think about it..."

The next second, Qin Zheng let out a scream and was kicked out of the car by Gu Zhige.

Qin Zheng got up and roared: "Gu, Zhi, Ge..."

Gu Zhige drove far away.

Everyone in the family knows that he is going to have dinner with Xiaoyuan tonight. If he enters the door now, it's fine, and the whole family will not let him go.

Qin Zheng snorted: "He also reprimanded me, if you encounter a problem, you must solve it, don't avoid it, do it yourself, and when you reach the door of the house, you will not get in...the coward..."

Suddenly, I heard a familiar voice coming from behind: "Oh, Master is back."

Qin Zheng was stiff...

He slowly turned around and saw a familiar figure standing not far away.

Qin Zheng pleased him and went up: "Hey, Mom, I haven't seen you for many days, you are really more and more beautiful."


Still 6 more, more 2 more...

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