You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2376:

After a while, with a click, the door opened.

The person inside said impatiently: "My house doesn't..."

As he said, the door opened halfway, and the person inside looked up and met Gu Zhige's smiling face. He was taken aback for a while, and then subconsciously closed the door.

But... it's too late.

Gu Zhige stepped on the body of the person who opened the door, walked into the room, took out the guns at the four inside the room, and pointed at his assassin, saying: "Hello, introduce myself, I am Gu Zhige, of course... if It's not impossible that you want to call me Xiang Qiuchi."

There were five people living in this house, all of them were killers, and their ranks in the organization were relatively low. To perform this task, they discussed and formed a group.

It's a pity that after coming here, I have never had the courage to kill Gu Zhige.

Until, Rui's female partner found them and said that they could cooperate to kill Gu Zhige.

They thought, since they can kill Gu Zhige without having to face him, then... why not?

However, who would have thought that Gu Zhige came to the door just as soon as one thing was done.

Those four people would be fine if they shot when Gu Zhige entered the door.

It's a pity... they don't. Their hands with guns tremble a little. They are really not qualified assassins, so their level in the organization is so low.

Gu Zhige swept over the four shivering people, and raised his finger to one of them: "You..."

The killer was scared and raised his gun: "Don't come here, I shot."

Gu Zhige said: "If you shoot now, you still have a good chance to get out alive, but the premise is that you don't miss it."

He said as he walked forward.

The assassin's face was earthy in panic: "Don't come over, don't come over, I really shot..."

As he said, he closed his eyes and pulled the trigger. Their pistols were all equipped with silencers.

After the shot came, Gu Zhige didn't even turn sideways, he felt that the gun was rubbed against his hair.

Gu Zhige smiled. He felt that he was the one with the gun, and the four people opposite were the fish on the chopping board.

He pointed to the person he was referring to: "You..."

The man backed away in fright, and Gu Zhige said, "It's you...we've seen it before, right?"

"I...I, I..."

The man stammered, speechless.

He is indeed a Gu Zhige who has seen him. When he was in the killer organization, he witnessed with his own eyes how Gu Zhige got out of the training camp and became the king of the entire organization, and even the entire killer world.

He had also seen with his own eyes that Gu Zhige singled out a gang that trafficked human beings, trafficked drugs, and bought and sold organs. He didn’t use guns or bombs. He used a cold weapon to move dozens of people up and down a gang’s headquarters. throat.

He was one of the people who went to clean up the scene after Gu Zhige destroyed the gang.

When he saw corpses and blood all over the floor, he vomited, even if he had seen a dead person, he still vomited.

For Gu Zhige, he can only describe it as terrible.

Therefore, he told the people who formed a group with him that he would rather not take the credit, and never go head-on, and don't have a fluke mentality. In front of Gu Zhige, no one can escape by chance.

Therefore, he has always emphasized that everyone just spend some time here and don’t have to do anything...

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