You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2382:

Rui is a particularly suspicious person, this kind of person is plain, even himself.

He especially wanted to wait for his own strategy, but was afraid that Gu Zhige was trying his best.

Therefore, his heart is particularly tangled.

He knew that his strength was too weak, so he was particularly afraid of failure. Once he failed, anyone could kill him.

Rui thought for a moment, and said, "Now, send someone to the top of the building and hide it...I want to see them really duel."

Without seeing Chongjiu and Gu Zhige fighting you to death, Rui was not at ease, he would not really believe that Gu Zhige would enter the set he set.

The female partner nodded: "Okay, I'll make arrangements."

After the female partner left, Rui turned his head and glanced at Madoka.

Madoka is already awake, but she feels that her limbs are weak and she is very tightly bound.


Madoka tried to struggle, glaring at Rui.

Rui walked over and said, "Actually, I am saving you, so that you can see clearly, what kind of man is the man you like?"

"He is not the angel in white you think, even if a demon is dressed in the coat of an angel, he is still a demon. It is so easy to break free from the darkness."

In Rui's view, Gu Zhige and him should be the same, and could never stand up in the dark.

He also believed that even if Gu Zhige went ashore, he would be the same as him and could not get rid of his filth.

Xiaoyuan stared at Rui fiercely, and she didn't believe that Doctor Gu was a demon.

Rui peeled off the tape on Little Round's mouth: "Don't you believe it?"

Madoka said: "Yes, I don't believe it. In my opinion, Doctor Gu is the best person in the world."

Doctor Gu in Xiaoyuan's eyes is like the man in a TV series who automatically brings a halo when he appears. No one is better than him.

Rui said sarcastically: "You are so naive. Do you know what he did before? Do you know how many lives he has on his scalpel hands? Do you know how many people he killed?"

Without even thinking about it, Xiaoyuan said directly: "I don't know, I don't want to know. I only believe what I see. The Doctor Gu I saw is a noble medical ethic and always considers patients. He is a very good character. , A good person who is especially self-reliant..."

Rui: "Huh..."

"It's ironic that a killer who kills countless people has transformed himself into a doctor. You actually believe what you saw, you are really naive."

Madoka looked at Rui coldly: "You are jealous..."

Rui gave a meal: "Jealous? I just tell you, what is the face of the person you like."

Xiaoyuan took a sip: "I know what I like, I know better than anyone else, but you... you are jealous of Doctor Gu, you just think that he is better than you, better than you, a person like you, It's almost like a mouse in the gutter, but Doctor Gu is different. Doctor Gu is the summer sun..."


With a crisp sound, Madoka's face was slapped away.

Madoka’s ears roared, there was a burning pain on her cheeks, and the corners of her mouth were split, but Madoka laughed instead.

Madoka: "I'm right, you are jealous of Doctor Gu..."

In the next second, Madoka's mouth was sealed again.

Rui Yin said: "Since you like him so much, well, when he dies, I will send you to meet him underground."

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