You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2390:

Chongjiu didn't give the female assassin time to call her life, so she died silently, without disturbing Rui.

It also helped Gu Zhige to solve Madoka's safety problem.

The rescued Madoka should have been happy, but... Seeing the female assassin whose throat was brutally cut, she was so frightened that she couldn't say anything.

She was just an ordinary girl, she was naturally scared when she saw this **** scene for the first time.

Madoka stared at the corpse on the ground, but she was stupid...

Chongjiu tilted his head to take a look, and twitched the corner of his mouth in disgust.

When Gu Zhige saw the female assassin's body, he glanced at Xiaoyuan again, frowning, "You are too rude...this blood is flowing all over the place, it's too dirty to handle..."

Chongjiu cursed: "I, K·A·O, you still have to be shameless. You don’t look at the pile of blood that you made yourself. I acted with you and got slapped. What are you talking about, you still dislike me being rude?"

After speaking, Chongjiu remembered the killer who had slapped himself, and turned around to drag the killer who wanted to sneak over.

The assassin shivered with fright, and ordinary knelt on the ground: "Spare... forgive... I... I know I was wrong, I know I was wrong... I don't dare anymore..."

Chongjiu nodded: "Yeah, you don't dare anymore, because you never have a chance again."

He would never give this guy who slapped himself a chance to live again.

Gu Zhige saw that he was about to kill again, so he quickly shouted, "Hey...Chongjiu, you..."

Before Gu Zhige finished speaking, Chongjiu had already cut the killer's throat.

He kills people, always like this, with his hands up and down, telling to death.

Gu Zhige had a headache: "You...hey, anyway, don't use such a rude technique, look at the bloody..."

Chongjiu slapped the blood on the knife, "Cut...I'm a killer, I can kill you, you can control what I use."

It's all like this, Rui couldn't understand what happened.

Gu Zhige teamed up with Chongjiu and acted a scene for him.

The play was so realistic, he believed it, and he fell into Gu Zhige's plan to lure the snake out of the hole.

He said just now that Gu Zhige had lost his reason for a woman, and he didn't even have the most basic judgment. He still felt regretful.

The result...Facts proved that it was not Gu Zhige who lost his judgment, but him.

He wanted to win so much, so even if he really felt doubtful in his heart, he still chose to come and see.

He thought that with Madoka in his hands, he left a way to survive, and at least could threaten Gu Zhige.

However, he did not want that Gu Zhige would unite with Chongjiu in such a short time.

His strategy did not divide them, did not let them kill each other, but urged them to unite.

At this time, Rui had only one voice in his heart: He is done!

He thought that he was already a winner, but he didn't expect that such a flip would happen.

He fell into the trap set by Gu Zhige.

At this time, Gu Zhige would not let him go, not even Chongjiu.

He wants to live, he doesn't want to die...

Rui said: " nine, even you are back organized, you are not afraid..."

Before he finished speaking, Chong Jiu rushed over and gave him a kick directly.

"Fuck me..."

How could Rui's combat power and stamina be able to hold it? Chongjiu took ten percent of his effort to kick.

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