You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2396:

That is to say, the future will be even darker.

Not only do I have to go to school every day, I have a little free time, but I also have to go to school, oh oh...

Qin Zheng asked carefully: "Brother-in-law, don't my school have very little time for tuition?"

Gu Jingyuan frowned and thought for a while, this was also a problem.

"You don't need to go to school. Let's arrange a tuition teacher to give you intensive tuition to catch up with the remaining homework."

Now that Qin Zheng goes to school, it is estimated that it will be very difficult to learn. He may not understand what the teacher says for a while, and it is very difficult to learn, which will only waste time.

It's not that I will find a tuition teacher to make up for his missing homework.

Moreover, one-on-one tutoring is always more efficient than in a school where a teacher faces dozens of students.

Besides, the one he asked Qin Zheng must be a famous teacher.

As long as Qin Zheng worked **** his own, cooperated with the teacher, and the effect of tutoring would not be bad.

No longer praying that Qin Zheng will do well in the exam, I just hope that he can barely reach the score line.

Gu Jingyuan looked at the time, it was past 11 o'clock in the evening.

Zhou Ping and the others estimated that it might not be back until midnight.

Gu Jingyuan felt that he was not sleepy yet, so he temporarily became a tuition teacher for Qin Zheng.

His thinking on the topic was very simple and clear, and he tried to use the fastest and most concise method so that Qin Zheng could understand it once.

Qin Zheng listened and said with emotion that he was the college entrance examination champion, IQ monster, and the invincible person who crushed the school. Although he didn't want to admit it, it was really amazing.

These topics, he originally seemed to have a headache, but after Gu Jingyuan's analysis and explanation, he felt like a jigsaw puzzle, all of a sudden.

Gu Jingyuan spoke to Qin Zheng Chen Mo for an hour, and then stopped until his voice became a little unbearable.

Gu Jingyuan put down the pen and said to the two of them: "Well, this is the case for today. I should take a break. If you two are not sleepy, just continue to write the questions by yourself. The young man who is not like me will stay up all night. It must be no problem."

Qin Zheng: "..."

Gu Jingyuan: "Don't forget, mom will have to check when she comes back."

After Gu Jingyuan left, Chen Mo came over and said to Qin Zheng: "Brother-in-law is really good, the arrangements are clear."

Qin Zheng: "That old..." He paused and glanced upstairs, "That's the old fox, do you know."

Chen Mo put his face in his hands and said, "But, I think what my brother-in-law said makes sense. You can slack off at work, but the exam is really not good. If you want to go to a good university, you have to meet the score. If you can do it, you still have to work hard."

Qin Zheng: "Yes..."

He suddenly remembered something: "Oh, Min, he took my phone away and didn't return it to me."

Qin Zheng hurried upstairs to knock on the door.

Gu Jingyuan opened the door, "Knock on, knocked your sister up, believe it or not, I will clean up you."

Qin Zheng quickly smiled and said, "Brother-in-law, cell phone."

Gu Jingyuan threw the phone to Qin Zheng: "Go to the question, if you dare to copy the answer online, I will directly let my mother teach you."

Qin Zheng immediately raised his hand: "No, no, no, absolutely not..."

Taking the cell phone, Qin Zheng immediately rolled downstairs.

After going downstairs, Qin Zheng breathed a sigh of relief.


I was blocked for another three chapters, and now I see the SMS notification in the background of the author, and I'm all shaking...

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