You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2402:

Zhou Ping smiled: "Didn't you hit someone?"

Xu Mu: "The lesson is the lesson, my unhappiness comes from..."

He was halfway talking, and suddenly stopped.

Zhou Ping asked: "Where did it come from?"

"I..." Xu Mu didn't want to say.

His unhappiness came from anxiety, because he felt that Zhou Ping now seemed too charming, and even Xiaoyou started chasing her.

Xu Mu turned his head and looked at Zhou Ping. She now looks better than when they first met, and has more charm and charm.

Zhou Ping asked him: "What are you up to?"

Suddenly Xu Mu said, "Shall we... go to my house tonight?"

Zhou Ping was taken aback: "Huh?"

Xu Mu: "This is about to celebrate the New Year."

Zhou Ping: "And then."

"It's time for me to officially take up the post. I can't just have my status without reality. I don't care about going to my house anyway.

Zhou Ping: "..."

Xu Mu stepped on the accelerator, turned left at the intersection ahead, and headed straight for his house.

Gu Zhige drove ahead. After a while, he suddenly saw the car behind turning and said, "Hey, Lao Xu's car, how did it turn?"

Gu Zhixin and Zhen Bao'er immediately turned their heads and really saw Xu Mu's rear car.

Gu Zhixin knew what was going on almost immediately, and said, "Hey, Old Xu is going to do something."

Bai Lu yawned: "When you are old, if you don't make trouble, it will be too late. Let them go."

Zhen Baoer laughed a little wretchedly.

"Uncle Xu must be in a crisis. Aunt Ping is too charming and he feels uneasy."

Gu Zhixin nodded: "Yes!"

Zhen Baoer remembered something: "Then go home, Xiaozheng sees his mother hasn't come back, so she can't..."

Gu Zhixin shook his head: "It's okay. They are all grown men. Those who should be accepted must always be accepted. Besides, Aunt Ping has already accepted Lao Xu. He comes from a child's family, and what else does he want to do? Lao Xu is a good person. He can't hinder the happiness of his mother."

In his opinion, Xu Mu and Zhou Ping have been together a long time ago, so many things should come naturally.

Zhen Baoer thinks about it, too. Aunt Ping and Lao Xu are not young anymore. The two chose to be together after careful consideration. The two talents will join hands for the rest of their lives.

You have to do everything you need to do while still having strength, right?

Otherwise, what else can you do when you get older?

Gu Zhixin hugged Zhen Bao'er's shoulders and said with a smile: "Go home and see how that kid is doing his work."

Zhen Baoer couldn't help but smile: "Think about it, Xiaozheng is quite poor, she will become a day at the age of eighteen, and she will follow you to experience the world of adults. In the end... Great, it's my sister, this pet, no one else."

Gu Zhige said: "Speaking of that kid, I guess he hasn't rested at this time, so I can just go here and I will bring him some barbecue."

Zhen Baoer quickly said: "Okay, okay, just right, I want to eat their barbecue too... I'm a little hungry after singing so long singing..."

Bailu: "Me too."

So, Gu Zhige took the three of them to the barbecue stall he often ate to buy a lot of barbecue.

A few people quietly entered the door, and they saw it as soon as they entered. Gu Zhixin was sitting cross-legged on the ground, lying on the coffee table, doing questions, and Chen Mo was stuck there.

They didn't say a word or spoke, and stood there and watched for a while.

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