You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2412:

Zhou Ping didn't say much, "I know that you are all hungry. Okay, don't say anything, move your chopsticks."

Qin Zheng and Chen Mo cheered, picked up their chopsticks, and stretched them directly towards their favorite dish.

Zhou Ping looked at everyone in a happy and happy manner, with a gentle smile on her face. They are really special as a big family. Even if they are not related by blood, they can get along better than their relatives.

This home, no matter there is one less person, is incomplete.

After a lively dinner, Gu Zhixin took Qin Zheng and Chen Mo to set off fireworks outside.

The weather today is extremely cold, and the sky outside is gloomy. The weather forecast says there may be light snow early this morning.

Qin Zheng and Chen Mo played in the chilly wind just like a three-year-old kid.

The noise made the two of them feel finally come alive.

Zhou Ping and the others were wrapped in thick down jackets, and after watching the fireworks for a while, they went back.

Bai Lu said: "It's very cold today. The two of them are making a fuss outside. Don't catch a cold. Let them come in?"

Zhou Ping smiled: "It's okay, let them make trouble. After this day, it's probably almost suppressed. It's okay to vent."

Today’s daytime tutoring was really too concentrated. For such a long time, with almost no rest, the high-intensity mental activities were really tiring.

Today's tuition is over, and the two of them can relax for a while.

Qin Se nodded: "Just to let them relax for a while, after all, they still have to do the work at night."

Bai Lu immediately sympathized with the two.

However, this is really good for them. In the case of not being a genius, the only way to go is to work hard. There is no shortcut to taking the exam.

Qin Se leaned on Zhou Ping's shoulder and said: "I always felt that life was going slowly before. I didn't expect that in a blink of an eye, this year would pass."

Zhou Ping said: "Yes, time flies so fast..."

"So, can't waste time..." Qin Se sat up straight and said: "Come on, let's play cards, I haven't been here for a long time, I want to play two."

Zhou Ping...

How did this topic turn so fast, why did you suddenly jump to the matter of playing cards?


She also thought a little.

Although Gu Jingyuan didn't want to let Qin Se play cards, but seeing her so happy, he didn't stop it. If she played for a while, she was not allowed to continue.

The mahjong is set, Zhou Ping, Bai Lu, Qin Zheng plus a Gu Zhige, four people sit down.

Xu Mu sat behind Zhou Ping and fed her a bite of fruit from time to time, and Gu Jingyuan sat behind Qin Se and peeled her nuts.

Bai Lu and Gu Zhige glanced at the two and let out a long sigh.

It's so cruel, it's not merciful to abuse a dog.

Bai Lu threw out a second tube, "Zhi Ge, do you have that kind in your hospital, with good looks, good character, good personality, and a single male doctor who is no more than 45 years old? Divorced?"

Gu Zhige looked up at Bailu: "Aunt Bai, do you think it's possible for a man like this to be single?"


"Hey, that's what I said...could it really make me go to the nightclub to find it again?"

Zhou Ping said immediately: "You, don't think about it yourself, your eyes are not good, and in places like nightclubs, the lights are already dazzling, which will make your eyes worse and provoke men. Even worse, you should stop picking up rubbish."

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