You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2422:

Before he finished speaking, Xu Mu understood what he meant, and immediately said: "After applying for a certificate, sign and take a photo together, you can do whatever you want."

"Ok, yes, thank you..."

Xu Mu said: "Then, let's start."

He directly handed over their documents.

The staff member, out of work instinct, asked: "Excuse me, you two were married voluntarily;"

Xu Mu said immediately: "Of course it is voluntary..."

Zhou Ping: "I..."

She hasn't thought about it yet!

Xu Mu said on behalf of Zhou Ping: "She too, voluntary, little comrade, can you please do it for us quickly, I am very anxious."

Zhou Ping grabbed Xu Mu's hand: "We really don't think about it anymore?"

The staff who issued the marriage certificate saw Zhou Ping like this, and was suddenly a little surprised. Oh my God, there are people who can refuse the charm of Teacher Xu. Sure enough, the shepherd's wife is the shepherd's wife. This is not something ordinary people can do.

Xu Mu was anxious: "What are you still thinking about? How long do I have to wait? You have to think about it again. What are you thinking about? Do you love me?"

Staff: Oh, what is this, what did he hear? Teacher Xu turned out to be like an unreasonable woman who asked her mother-in-law if she loves him. Oh my God, is this a **** swap?

Old Zhou Ping's face is blushing, what is this old Xu doing, outside, in front of outsiders, how can you ask such things!

She hurriedly screwed Xu Mu. As a result, not only did he not constrain, but he was even more vigorous: "Don't pinch me. The question just now is a matter of principle. You must answer me, love me or not, you are not willing to marry me, definitely not Love me?"

Xu Mu took a mouthful of what he loved or not, which really made Zhou Ping feel that his old face couldn't hold back.

She gritted her teeth and said: "Love love love, love is alright?"

Xu Mu asked again: "Then this marriage, is it possible to get married?"

Zhou Ping said bitterly, "Knot, yeah?"

Xu Mu immediately smiled triumphantly: "Okay! There is no problem at all."

Afterwards, Xu Mu said to the person who issued the permit: "Little comrade, she is willing, please do it for me soon. I am very anxious. I have been anxious for decades."

The staff member, looking at Zhou Ping, wanted to ask her opinion again.

Zhou Ping took a deep breath and said, "Yes, yes, do it!"

"Okay... You two fill out the form first..."

Next, fill out the form, take photos, wait, get the certificate...

There was no line up before and after, and it was not too long before and after, so the card was processed.

After getting the certificate, Xu Mu readily signed the little brother who had applied for them, and took a photo with him. The photo was taken by Zhou Ping.

The matter of Emperor Xu coming to get the marriage certificate caused a sensation in the entire Civil Affairs Bureau in a very fast time, just in time for the off-duty time. Because Xu Mu's mass foundation is really good, so many people from the Civil Affairs Bureau ran here. If you want to sign, take a photo, so Xu Mu can't be busy for a while.

Zhou Ping ignored him, holding her marriage certificate in a daze. She was still thinking about how to get this certificate.

It seemed a little magical, she compromised so easily.

However, on this marriage certificate, Zhou Ping was smiling, and it was not a perfunctory smile, she was very happy. She smiled from the heart, and the corners of her eyes and eyebrows were full of joy. She did not expect this.

After all, she was always led by Xu Mu, and she really didn't react much to the marriage.


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