You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2428:

Xu Mu was worried about whether Zhou Ping would be or not.

"Compensation now, it's not as important as the value at the beginning. You are so true. I don't know how to say you. Is it too sloppy to be overthinking?" Xu mother was still very angry.

She is especially looking forward to Zhou Ping and Xu Mu getting married. Recently, she asked an old tailor who is particularly famous in the local area but has retired and no longer does some cheongsams for her. She also asked some friends to bring her some pearls from abroad to prepare. Into jewelry.

I plan to wear it when Xu Mu and Zhou Ping get married.

As a result, shattered!

Mother Xu is so sad!

If Xu Mu was in front of her, she might have picked up the feather duster!

Xu Mu sighed on the phone: "Then what should I do? Can't you let me go and pick it up now?"

As soon as Xu Mu finished speaking, someone so gentle as his mother yelled: "Asshole, if you dare to run away again, don't call my mother in your life, I don't recognize you, you really want to give me Furious."

Xu maternally almost didn't drop the phone.

"Mom and mother, calm down, I just said I won't go, don't worry, don't worry..." Xu Mu said quickly.

"I don't care what you think. Anyway, you can't let Xiao Zhou be wronged. Our family is already very sorry for her about this matter today. You can reflect on me, how can you make up!"

Xu Mu wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "Okay, Mom, what do you think of me going back to make up a more grand wedding?"

Xu's mother urged: "Then you can start preparing now. Do you think that the wedding can be prepared with preparations?"

Xu Mu hurriedly said: "Okay, OK, then you two elders are more experienced in this matter, you still need to give more Zhang Luo!"

Xu Mu knew in his heart that his parents really wanted to help with his wedding and wanted to see him get married.

"Nonsense, we won't help you watch, who knows what you are doing unreliable!" Although he said that, Xu's mother's tone was still much better, at least not like just before.

Xu Mu still wanted to talk, but only heard his mother say: "You give Xiao Zhou your phone, I don't want to hear you talking."

Xu Mu...

Mom? Are you sure it is appropriate to speak like this?

Xu's mother urged: "What are you doing, hurry up."

Xu Mu had to pass the phone to Zhou Ping: "Mom said I want to talk to you."

Zhou Ping is ready! After getting married, she was officially the daughter-in-law of the Xu family. Now when her in-laws are calling, she has to say something. Zhou Ping answered the phone.

"Hey, mom..." Zhou Ping was not hypocritical, and the first thing she said when she picked up the phone was to call mom.

The mother Xu almost didn't cry. She thought that she was getting married in such a hasty, and Zhou Ping was somewhat upset in her heart, but she didn't expect that she would just change her mouth without saying anything.

Mother Xu's excited voice was a little choked, "Oh, the good boy wronged you today. I have already scolded Xu Mu just now, and I was too hasty to do things like marriage. How could it be so hasty and I didn't give you anything. Where can normal people get married without a bride price."

Zhou Ping said, "Mom, don't pay too much attention to this. It's okay. Actually, this is not a problem. Xu Mu gave me a bank card..."

Zhou Ping actually didn't care about these things. She and Xu Mu were not married for this.

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