You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2433:

Xu Mu said, "We both got the certificate today, and we will become a decent couple from now on. As elders, I should give you red envelopes and give you some gifts. So when we came out today, I bought some things by the way. ..."

Xu Mu was the first to give Qin Se: "Shanshan, this is yours!"

What Xu Mu bought for Qin Se was the most carefully selected, a set of jewelry, which was expensive.

Qin Se took it, his eyes rolled, and smiled: "Thank you Dad!"

Xu Mu was happy to feel that he could put on his wings and fly. He was overjoyed: "Hey, dear daughter, this is a red envelope for you!"

Xu Mu handed Qin Se two red packets.

Qin Se was surprised: "Why two?"

Xu Mu said, "Don't you still have one in your stomach? This is for you two."

Qin Se touched his slightly raised abdomen, smiled, and lowered his head and said: "Baby, the red envelope your grandfather gave you. Mom will put it away for you first."

Qin Zheng snorted from the side, "A red envelope will buy you!"

Qin Se: "I'm happy!"

After Xu Mu distributed the gifts and red envelopes, Qin Zheng stood up and raised his chin at Xu Mu: "Come here, let's talk."

Xu Mu nodded: "Okay!"

The only thing that is difficult to handle in the whole family is Qin Zheng. Xu Mu knows this very well, but he is not worried. This kid, although it is difficult to handle, but... the done is done, what can he do?

Therefore, the old man has no fear!

Instead, he looked forward to finishing talking with Qin Zheng as soon as possible!

When the two of them went out, Qin Se was a little worried, and talked about Gu Jingyuan: "Why don't you come and see?"

Gu Jingyuan patted her on the shoulder; "Don't worry, Xiao Zheng knows very well in his heart that he is just talking to Old Xu and will not do anything else."

Gu Jingyuan still had quite confidence in his brother-in-law, and he was no longer a little boy.

Qin Se: "You really have confidence in Xiaozheng."

"After all, it's my brother-in-law..."

Qin Se stretched out his hand: "Bring your red envelope."

Gu Jingyuan: "..."

He said: "This... when I have private money?"

Qin Se shook his hand: "Will you give it?"

Gu Jingyuan smiled helplessly: "Give it..."

Qin Se took Gu Jingyuan's red envelope, and a big smile appeared on the corner of his lips...

Over there, Zhen Baoer also reached out to Gu Zhixin.

Gu Zhixin turned in honestly.

Gu Zhige and Chen Mo watched from the sidelines, and the two men, one large and one small, looked at each other, touched the red envelopes and put them into their pockets. ,

Gu Zhige: After finding a wife, the salary must be turned in. Hey, or else, it will take a few years to get out of the bill.

Chen Mo: Fortunately, I am still young and cannot fall in love early. Fortunately, I can still hold the money by myself!

Qin Zheng and Xu Mu talked for a full hour in the cold wind.

No one knows what they said, anyway, when they came back, they both had smiles on their faces, which seemed to be harmonious.

This made Qin Se a little surprised, unexpectedly!

I thought that Qin Zheng's stubborn temper would definitely be very angry. Maybe he would have to beat up Old Xu. Unexpectedly, Old Xu came in intact, and he talked with Qin Zheng very happily. What a surprise!

Qin Se took the time to ask Qin Zheng: "Xiaozheng, you and Uncle Xu...No, what did you say to our dad?"

Qin Zheng glanced at him: "You don't need to know the conversation between men."


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