You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2440:

Many students who were given a lot of exercises by their own sisters and brothers, or their parents, many of them screamed and cried on Weibo, saying that nowadays, they spend every day in the process of writing questions. It is really, let people. Extremely suffering, life is better than death.

Some people even came to Qin Zheng's Weibo to scold him, saying that it was because of him that they would have such a difficult life now. If it weren't for him, they would still be at ease.

However, Qin Zheng didn't pay any attention at all. At this time, he was full of questions and questions.

Sometimes Qin Zheng will post his results on Weibo and share with everyone happily that the tutor praised him today, and his current grades have crossed the pass line, but he will not be proud , He will work harder and must maximize his performance within a limited time.

Many people like Qin Zheng like this. Not only his fans are happy, but even some uncles and aunts who didn't like him before think that such children are good.

Some people say that watching Qin Zheng grow up is like seeing his children struggling.


The next day, at breakfast time, the whole family was there.

Zhou Ping told them that she and Xu Mu were going to see the elders.

Qin Se and none of them were right, and even Qin Zheng didn't think it was wrong.

Qin Se nodded: "You should go. You and Dad are married. You are going to see your grandparents. Mom, don't worry, do you have a time?"

Gu Jingyuan also said: "It is indeed time to go."

Qin Zheng nodded. Did not speak.

Zhou Ping smiled: "I have already booked the ticket for today's noon."

Qin Zheng was a little surprised: "So fast."

Zhou Ping said: "It's been a long time, but it should have gone long ago."

Qin Se asked, "Mom, should I go with you? We are all juniors after all."

Xu Mu hurriedly said: "Don't, don't move, you are still pregnant with a child, take a good rest at home, don't run around, your grandparents don't care about these..."

Qin Zheng wanted to say, I also want to go, but think about my daily tuition, brushing the questions, sighing, forget it, don't mention it, anyway, I can't go.

Qin Zheng said: "Then you two be careful on your way."

Xu Mu was a little surprised. He didn't expect that Qin Zheng didn't have any objections, and asked them to be careful on the way. The child really grew up and was different from before.

Zhou Ping rubbed Qin Zheng's hair: "Don't worry, we two adults, nothing will happen, don't worry about us, you study hard at home, and if you have anything, you can find your brother-in-law, sister..."

Qin Zheng nodded: "Well, I know..."

Xu Mu said: "However, we won't be able to go for a few days, just in the past, see two old people, visit some relatives, and everything else will be fine."

When Qin Zheng heard that he still had to see relatives, he quickly said, "Then you have to take care of my mother and don't let people bully her."

Qin Zheng worried that Zhou Ping was being bullied. After all, in the eyes of many outsiders, Zhou Ping was not worthy of Xu Mu.

They don't care how good and powerful Zhou Ping is, they just think that she is a widow with two children.

He didn't worry about Xu Mu's parents, only that those relatives were troublesome.

Xu Mu said earnestly: "I know, I will never let your mother be bullied."

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