You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2444:

Zhou Ping really wanted to pick up the two old people to live together. Her parents went early and didn't give her much opportunity to honor them. She always had a regret in her heart.

Now that Xu Mu's parents are so kind to her, she naturally feels cordial in her heart, and she wonders, if there is a chance, why not honor the two elderly people.

Xu Mu nodded: "Yes, there are many people in the family. You will definitely not be bored if you go, and Zhou Ping and I have time every day to accompany you out."

Zhou Ping: "There is a special doctor at home. There is really a headache, so I don't need to go to the hospital..."

Xu Mule couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear: "What you said, my heart is moved now, and I want to go over immediately."

Zhou Ping said: "It's not okay to go there now. We have to wait until your cold is cured. Let's go. We just came here. We will stay here with you and dad for a few more days to see family relatives or something."

Father Xu nodded and said, "That's true. Some relatives should still meet each other. I will inform tomorrow. When you look back, you can have a meal together. It doesn't need to be too grand, Xiao Zhou, don't have any worries. The etiquette is good, you don’t need to care too much."

Zhou Ping: "Okay, you can arrange for us to listen to you."

Xu's father's words, Zhou Ping heard something, probably among these relatives, it is estimated that there are some people who are not easy to get along with.

However, it doesn't matter, it's okay for relatives. After getting along well, move around more often. If you don't get along well, it is estimated that you will not see each other for a few years.


With the arrival of Xu Mu and Zhouping, Xu's father and Xu's mother were in a good mood, and the old lady's condition was significantly relieved the next day.

Xu's father began to call some friends who were particularly close to each other, and some relatives who had a little more frequent visits on weekdays, telling them that his son had come back with his daughter-in-law. If everyone has time, set a time to eat together these days. Meal.

When Xu's father said this, everyone was naturally shocked.

Although some people have read the gossip news and knew that Xu Mu was married, they did not expect that Xu Mu took his wife back home.

To see Xu Mu and his wife, everyone is naturally very willing and can't wait to see each other immediately.

Finally, Xu's father set a time, three days later at 8 pm, in a five-star hotel in this city!

Xu's father was thinking that three days later, his wife's condition was estimated to be about the same. Then, I would have a meal with everyone, meet up, and after two days to clean up, they would be able to go to the imperial capital.

Father Xu is still looking forward to living in the imperial capital.

Although the environment over there is very strange, but the son and daughter-in-law are filial, which is better than anything else.

After all, parents are getting older, so who don't want to live with their children.

After Zhou Ping took care of her, Xu's mother's condition was really getting better and faster. She had been going back and forth again and again, but now she is getting lighter day by day. On the day it was time to eat, except for a runny nose, other symptoms were almost better.

Before going out, Zhou Ping wrapped the old lady tightly and took a blanket.

Before getting off the bus at the place, the old lady told her husband: "You must make it clear to them when the time comes. Don't secretly shoot any videos and post them online. If I find out, I really won't spare them... …"

Father Xu nodded: "I know, don't worry, I will tell them clearly..."


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