You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2455:

Some people on the Internet say that Zhou Ping is very popular with Xu Mu’s parents. Others say that Xu Mu’s parents don’t like Zhou Ping at all. After all, she is a second marriage and has two children. The old people have old thinking. It's hard to like a daughter-in-law like this. After all, at such an age, it is estimated that it is unlikely to have children.

I don't know if someone deliberately hyped or something. Anyway, the latter's promotion on the Internet is getting more and more fierce, and there seems to be a lot of people who believe it.

Many people believe that Xu Mu's parents don't like Zhou Ping, hate him, or even reject him. It's just that his son, who cuts first and then plays, has already obtained the certificate and brought it home. They have no choice but to accept it.

Some people have even begun to guess how long Xu Mu and Zhou Ping will divorce. They all feel that this kind of marriage should not last long.

Although Xu Mu and fans have been working hard to maintain Zhou Ping, there are still most passers-by who are more willing to believe that Zhou Ping did not do well in Xu's family.

Zhou Ping didn't care about it, but Xu Mu was almost angry.

He intended to ask the studio to warn some of the people who spread the rumors first, and then not directly send the lawyer's letter.

But it was stopped by Zhou Ping. She said, “Actually, it’s normal to have news like this. In my previous expectation, they said, let them say, let’s go and live by ourselves. If we have to watch it. What do they say, wouldn’t it be too tiring? Besides, I think there will be no less news like this in the future. There will be rumors about our divorce every time in the future. They said to go chant, it has nothing to do with us."

Zhou Ping has never cared about this kind of thing. As long as Xu Mu's parents treat her well, those people will just spread rumors, but they are just people who are psychologically imbalanced.

Xu Mu shook Zhou Ping's hand: "But I think this makes you feel wronged too much."

Zhou Ping shook her head: "No, I think it's pretty good... Sometimes looking at those gossips that have noses and eyes, I find it quite interesting..."

Under Zhou Ping’s persuasion, Xu Mu did not respond to this wave of rumors, nor did he refute the rumors. Therefore, some official accounts have even more serious interpretations. How bad this marriage is and will end sooner or later. .

Until Zhou Ping and the others returned to the imperial capital with two old people, they were photographed at the airport.

Xu Mu contracted all the luggage alone, and Zhou Ping and the old lady walked behind them talking and laughing.

Someone also photographed that the old lady felt Zhou Ping's hands were too cold, so she took off her gloves and forced them to put on Zhou Ping.

The secretly taken photos and videos were posted on the Internet. For Xu Mu's fans, they could finally go back with their heads straight up.

Hmph, our shepherd's wife and old Xu are doing well, our shepherd's wife's position in the Xu family is stable, and our parents and Xu's mother like her!

There are also passengers who claim to be taking the same flight with Xu Mu and others on Weibo, saying on Weibo: I think Mrs. Xu seems to like her husband's wife in particular. On the plane, I will be behind them. But I took care of it. I was very kind. I also reprimanded the actor Xu, saying that he didn't know how to take care of others. I think those marketing accounts are really unbelievable. No wind can make three feet.


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