You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2462:

Xu Mu hugged Zhou Ping's shoulders and an umbrella, almost all on top of her head. He carefully guarded her to prevent the rain from getting her clothes wet. "It's not there. Did you go somewhere else?"

Zhou Ping frowned, "Where can he go if he is not here in the evening?"

Before she left, she asked the little devil's head, his site, which is here, is basically not going to leave here, and they really have nothing to do, they are idle every day until the grave smokes...

The rain seems to be heavier than before, and the temperature has dropped a bit.

Xu Mu said: "A few people are not here, let's go first, and come back tomorrow, he will always come back."

Zhou Ping nodded: "However, I am worried that I will be empty again tomorrow, find a little wandering soul, and let him help us give that little ghost a word."

Zhou Ping wanted to call out a kid nearby, but none came out.

This cemetery seems to be empty. At this time, Qin Zheng realized that something was wrong.

When she came here last time, these tombs, but there were no empty tombs, they all had residents.

Why is it empty?

Zhou Ping raised her head and said to Xu Mu: "I think something is wrong, there must be something wrong."

Now, Xu Mu also felt wrong, "But, who should we ask?"

Zhou Ping is a little worried, don't really have an accident with that little devil.

She said: "Let's go a little further and see if we can find it. We still live here and haven't gone."

"it is good……"

Without going too far, Zhou Ping suddenly threw a talisman: "Don't hide, you come out for me!"

With a bang, the talisman exploded out a little bit, "Woo, don't kill me, don't kill me... I know nothing, I'm very weak, I haven't hurt anyone, I haven't done anything bad..."

Zhou Ping frowned, she was really only a very weak little one, her soul was not stable, and she was very young. When she died, she was probably seven or eight years old.

Zhou Ping's voice softened and asked, "Don't cry, answer my question, do you know where the guy who lives in the most luxurious tomb has gone?"

Xiao Budian raised his head, looked at Zhou Ping, and asked in a low voice: "Master, you... you were... last time..."

Zhou Ping nodded: "Yes, I've been here before, where is your elder brother?"

The little bit immediately cried: "Woo, our big brother, was taken away by the bad guy."

Zhou Ping exclaimed: "What, got caught?"

"Hmm... was caught..."

"By whom?"

"It's a man in white clothes and a man in black clothes. After they came, they tied the eldest brother directly with a rope, and then they took it away..."

Zhou Ping: "White clothes..."

She asked: "Is it a bit like the characters in the costume TV series?"

The little thing nodded: "Well, it's a bit like, especially the man in white..."

"Is it him..." Xu Mu and Zhou Ping said it almost simultaneously.

Zhou Ping clenched her hands tightly: "That little devil's head is not weak in itself. The average person can't hurt him at all. Someone who can catch him must have some means. Apart from him, I can't think of anyone else now. He is probably injured. , Want revenge..."

They are not there, Brother Ghost is alone and helpless, it is most suitable to start with it.

"How do we find them now?"

Zhou Ping lowered her head and asked the little one: "Do you know where your eldest brother was taken?"

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