You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2474:

Stepping into the door of metaphysics, it is even more clear that the more powerful the master, the more he can do it, which makes people painful.

Masters like Zhou Ping, who are no less inferior to his master, will kill him and make him live.

But even if Wang Kui was afraid, he still bit to death and said, "Why did we arrest your friend? I don't know anything..."

Zhou Ping took out the doll prepared in advance and said, "It doesn't matter if you don't know, you will know later."

She said to Gu Zhige again: "Be ready in a while, don't let him scream, so as not to scare people who pass by."

Gu Zhige nodded: "Understood!"

When Wang Kui saw the doll, he felt a little in his heart.

Zhou Ping took out a few very thick needles, raised her head and showed a kind smile at Wang Kui. Then, she picked up two needles and pierced them fiercely into the eyes of the doll without hesitation.

Wang Kui suddenly screamed in pain, but before he could make a sound, his mouth was blocked by a rag.

Wang Kui twitched and trembled in pain. He wished he could pass out directly, but he didn't know what symbol Zhou Ping put on him, so that he could only feel the overwhelming pain, but he could not faint.

Zhou Ping talked to Wang Kui while stabbing.

"How about it? I can bear it. Actually, this is the simplest and most basic. If you can bear it, let's change it. I think you can carry it, or let's change it? I'll tell you. Say, I recently got a Gu worm, which is quite interesting."

Wang Kui wanted to say, don't, don't change...I can't take it anymore.

Next to Bai Lu sang a double song with Zhou Ping, and said, "Hey, is the Gu worm that you said that eats bones?"

Zhou Ping nodded: "Yes, that's..."

Bai Lu smiled and said: "Hey, my brother, let me tell you that this bug is interesting. After you let him get into your body, it will quickly multiply in your flesh and blood, but you can rest assured, this kind of bug, He doesn’t eat your flesh and blood. He only eats bones. They will eat the wood with the ants and eat your bones bit by bit. In the end, you will become a pool of flesh, soft, just kick the bones. Like a broiler, eh, have you ever seen Eviscerate?"

Wang Kui was numb all over when he heard it, and felt that his hair was about to stand up.

He was trembling with fear, and he felt terrible just listening like this.

Bai Lu also smiled at him: "But don't worry, you definitely don't have a knife edge on your body, it's a complete piece of art, think about it, think about it, do you find it... interesting."

Zhou Ping put a needle into Wang Kui’s pain point, and said slowly: “Moreover, the most surprising thing is that you won’t die after all the bones in your body are eaten. You can live for two more days, but I I heard people say that this process of suffering is really...tsk...I really want to see it. If you want to, or else, I will try it on you."

Wang Kui shook his head, he didn't want to, he didn't want to at all, he didn't want to.

That's terrible, terrible...

Don't think he has seen all kinds of insidious methods, but he hasn't seen a bug like this.

However, he believes that there will be.

In that place in southern Xinjiang, there are many evil sects, and there are any Gu worms, he thinks it is normal, he does not doubt.

After Zhou Ping spoke for a while, Gu Zhige suddenly said: "Aunt Ping, how many times can I come?"


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