You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2485:

As people inhale, the body will gradually become weak and soft.

The more you inhale, the weaker you are.

Moreover, there is no sensation at first, and only after a certain amount of inhalation, will he notice the abnormality.

But after you notice the abnormality, it's basically useless.

This kind of mixed poison has not been solved yet, it was prepared by Zhou Ping herself, and no one else can do it.

Moreover, even for monks like them, it is completely effective.

It's just that ordinary people may inhale it for half an hour and it will have an effect, but the master, it takes two hours to inhale it.

In fact, when he felt that his body was weak, he immediately realized that something was wrong and quickly wanted to figure out what was going on.

However, he had already inhaled a lot, so he moved, and the onset of toxicity was faster.

When Zhou Ping and the others came in, after being shocked, he wanted to attack, but his hands were weak, soft, and slow, so they were naturally taken down by Zhou Ping.

At this time, Wang Kui had not yet appeared.

He did not dare to show his head, he sat outside quietly, not coming quickly.

The master is anxious. He has never fallen into other people's traps so quickly. The point is that he still doesn't know how he got caught.

His name was Wang Kui, but no one showed up.

But at this time the master didn't know that Wang Kui betrayed him. He only thought that it was Zhou Ping who had dealt with Wang Kui outside when they came in.

Zhou Ping looked at her master and said, "You shouldn't touch my friend!"

She turned her head to look at the little devil's head trapped in the formation, anxious in her heart, and hurried over, trying to rescue him.

When the master heard Zhou Ping's words, he laughed, "Friend? You are so funny, you are making friends with a ghost, Zhou Ping, you are too self-willed to fall..."

Zhou Ping turned her head and looked at him coldly: "So in your eyes you have fallen into friendship with ghosts?"

Zhou Ping wanted to refute, but suddenly felt that people who contradicted these three views would probably play the piano to the cow, and it would be better to shut up.

However, Zhou Ping soon discovered that she couldn't break the weird array.

Although the master cannot refine that little devil head, he can be imprisoned.

Zhou Ping felt that this formation was like a cage, useful for characters, but useful for...soul!

The guru was lying on the ground, he no longer looked like the immortal bones, but his face was not flustered, he even had a smile.

I probably knew that Zhou Ping couldn't solve the formation, and asked him for help.

Therefore, he has no fear.

Zhou Ping said: "If you let my friend go, I let you go, otherwise, you will die."

The guru disdain: "Even if you let it go, you won't let me go. Why should I help you? It's pretty good..."

Zhou Ping squeezed her hand: "I really want to kill you very much, but I can promise you that I will let my friend go and I won't move you."

Gu Zhige stood aside, thinking about his weakness that Wang Kui said before!

So he walked over and stepped on a **** footprint on the snow-white clothes of the master.

Gu Zhige's acting ostentatiously said: "Oh...I'm sorry...Don't be angry, I did it on purpose."


Hehe...I’m happy, I have changed 10 chapters today, it’s been a long time since I changed so much, love me... Recently, I have to solve all the mysteries left before, and I am preparing to finish...

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