You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2488:

And when he drinks tea, he must pour seven minutes full. After drinking tea, it must be placed in the center of the coaster without any deviation.

For a patient with severe obsessive-compulsive disorder, seeing something messed up is really scratching his paw in his heart.

Bai Lu couldn't help but laugh when they saw the appearance of the master.

I thought that this must be a thrilling battle.

However, this is too different from what they thought.

And this guru, before, felt that he was sinister and vicious, cruel, and had a high level of cultivation. He must have a fierce fight to see him.

But...Unexpectedly, he still suffers from severe cleanliness and severe obsessive-compulsive disorder, tusk...This is really exciting, happy!

After Zhou Ping got the things, she broke the line.

When she broke the formation, she was cautious for fear of being tricked.

But fortunately, it was resolved smoothly and Brother Ghost was released.

However, his condition is not very good, his soul body has become transparent, and it has a vague meaning of dispersing quickly.

Zhou Ping and the others were very surprised: "What's the matter?"

Didn't Wang Kui say that there is no way to refine the soul of the little guy, and there is no way to break it up? But what's wrong, this is obviously a dysfunctional rhythm?

Gu Zhige asked: "Aunt Ping, what's going on?"

Zhou Ping also didn't know that the situation of Little Guitou was very serious, and the soul body was almost gone. The key was that he didn't know when she asked him.

Instead, it comforts everyone: "Don't worry about it. I think... I may be fine. When I go back and raise it for a few days, it might be fine..."

However, his voice was already a bit erratic, as if he was speaking in the wind, and his voice was quickly dispersed by the wind!

This is obviously a rhythm that is about to disappear!

Zhou Ping's eyes were red, and she suddenly rushed to the master and grabbed him by the collar: "What is going on with him now, what have you done to him?"

At this time, the master was also looking at the little devil's head, and he was also surprised at this time.

It obviously couldn't be refined for a long time before. Now, why is it about to disperse?

Isn't that right?

Guru: "I don't know."

Zhou Ping had scarlet eyes and gritted her teeth: "Don't think I really dare not kill you."

The guru laughed, but he said, "You killed me, I don’t know. After I caught him last night, I started refining him, but it was useless. He stayed in that pot for a long time. It’s been useless all the time. I was surprised when I saw him now..."

He's really not deceiving, what he said is true.

He originally thought that there is a secret in this little ghost king, so let's close it first, even if it can't be refined for a while, then it can be refined one day in the future!

He does not believe that he will never find a way!

Who thought, hadn't thought of the solution, Zhou Ping and the others came first.

He was really shocked just now when he saw the soul body that was like a wisp of blue smoke floating out of the jar.

However, he believed that this was not because his formation had an effect, there must be other reasons.

This little ghost king is really interesting!

The guru said: "I advise you, instead of wasting time with me here, it is better to take him back to the cemetery and see if he can absorb more yin and restore his soul!"

Zhou Ping said coldly: "Yes, I want to take him back. I won't let him go, but before I leave, I will solve you first."


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