You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2496:

When she was in the room, Zhou Qingyang told Zhou Ping what she needed to break the formation, and when she asked her to find it by herself, although she really said the way, but at the same time, she also let Zhou Ping open so many seals of him when she didn’t know. The ghost.

Moreover, he also opened up the formation he arranged in this courtyard.

This formation is very vicious, not only can trap ghosts, but also trap people.

It will **** up people's anger little by little, like a huge sealed cage.

It is like a confined space with limited oxygen. After a person is filled in, when the oxygen is exhausted, he can only wait to die.

If Zhou Ping and the others cannot find a way out, they will become weaker and weaker until they collapse and die!

Only at this moment, Zhou Ping hadn't noticed the viciousness of this formation.

However, it won't be long before she will know that that ghost is not the most terrifying, but how to break this closed prison!


Zhou Qingyang, who was lying on the ground in pain, tried to force the silver needles sealed in his body out of his body, but he found that he really underestimated the Zhou family's sleepy dragon needles.

Although there are only 16 roots, it can really make life impossible.

Zhou Qingyang couldn't move his limbs and had a splitting headache.

He even felt that when he breathed, if he gasped, the needles would run around, hurting him, immortal.

What he has left now is that reason is still there.

Zhou Qingyang thought bitterly, even if he died, he would still have Zhou Ping and the others to bury him.

He didn't believe that Zhou Ping and the others could break out so quickly.

The formation that enveloped the entire yard was the last life-saving charm he gave himself.

That is what he did his best to deploy.

No matter how good Zhou Ping is, there may not be a way to go out for a while.

Once in the formation for more than three days and have not gone out, there is only a dead end.

Zhou Qingyang tried his best to keep his breathing steady, hoping to reduce the pain in his body, but it didn't help. The pain still made him convulse.

At this time, the only safe person in the entire yard was Wang Kui.

He hid next door to Zhou Qingyang, their residence was still safe, not covered by the formation.

But at this time, Wang Kui was particularly anxious, because he saw Zhou Ping and the others tied up, and he thought that there was a bug in his body that would chew his bones. If Zhou Ping died, who would solve him?

Is it possible that he has to wait for death?

No, no, Zhou Ping must never die.

He didn't want to, he ended up becoming a pool of rotten meat without bones, it was too scary.

However, if his master arranged this formation, he would not understand it.

When the formation was first set up, his master said that there was no solution to the formation, unless the person trapped in it died, it would be automatically unlocked.

Because he didn't have any students left.

That was the amulet he made for himself with all his strength.

This amulet cannot be cracked casually.

Wang Kui was anxious, what to do, what to do...

Zhou Ping can't die!

Wang Kui wiped the cold sweat from his head, no, he had to find a way.

However, with this kind of deeds, it is definitely impossible to break the formation. If he wants to save Zhou Ping, he has to start from his master...

He had to find a way to find some flaws in this formation from his master, and release Zhou Ping and the others.

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